Tough Goodbyes

 I am afraid that today there are no smiles to share with you.  Instead I must share sad news.  We said goodbye to our pig, Ginger, and our sheep, Faith, yesterday.  Why both on one single day?

Sadly, it's something that has been a process over the past few weeks.  We had noticed that our sheep, Faith, had become lame over the past couple of months... arthritis in her legs.  She hobbled around and would some days make it out into the pasture to graze, other days, not.  Then, last week, our pig, Ginger, suffered a bad leg injury when trying to push her way into the dry lot.  Red ran into her and knocked her over, injuring the ligaments in her front leg.  By Friday, she could no longer bear any weight on the leg and had become agitated.  We decided to give it a little time, but she did not improve and stopped coming out of her house at all.  She would become agitated when we visited with her, but would calm down for me and let me rub her belly.

Sensing that she was in a lot of pain, we decided to do the hard thing and let her go.  Doing so presented us with a sad situation for our sheep Faith (who lost her sister in the past couple of years).   Never wanting our animals to live solitary, lonely lives, we decided that the best (though hard) course of action was to help them both out of their pain at the same time.  Faith had also stopped going into the front pasture - in fact, she had stopped grazing altogether.

And though letting them go was extremely difficult, we cannot stand to see any of our animals in pain or living less than quality lives.  And so, yesterday afternoon, we gave each of them some treats laced with a sedative.  They fell asleep, were given a stronger sedative, and gently departed from this earthly plane.

As I sat in the pig house with Ginger (as she slept from the sedative), Moll cat joined us and curled up beside Ginger.  Moll has always had a fondness for the pigs and would often curl up on top of them in the front pasture when they flopped down for belly rubs. 

(last year)

 Yesterday, after Ginger had passed, Moll curled up on top of her un-moving belly and kneaded her piggy skin one last time.  She stayed only a couple of minutes and then hopped off.  I suspect she understood that her pig was gone.  Animals seem to sense that.

It's not the first time we have had to face a new normal here on the farm, and it's not the last time.  This is the cloud that lies behind the silver lining.  Luckily, farm life gives us so many days lined with silver.  We are sad when the clouds come, but understand that we cannot have a life free from clouds.  There is no dying without living - and no living without dying.

I am so very grateful that I had 13 years of love and friendship from our very special piggy girls.  In my heart I see them together again, running through a beautiful field of grass and snacking to their hearts' content.  I imagine Faith reuniting with her sister Hope and her Mama Grace somewhere on a farm beyond  the veil.

PS:  I have been unable to send our blog via email to the subscribers who had signed up for this service - because I am having some technical issues.  There are engineers handling the problem at this point, and I am hoping they can fix the situation.  My apologies to anyone who has had to search for us.


daisy g said…
Oh, sweet Bev! I am with you in spirit. I’m so sorry for your losses. As your readers mourn with you, we hope that you are comforted by all of the love you offered these two sacred souls. God bless.
Anonymous said…
You have my deepest sympathy for your loss of Ginger and Faith. I will miss hearing about them in your blog. So sorry ...
The JR said…
What a very hard day for you and your family who have loved Ginger and Faith and given them the very best home. I am so sorry. I know in my heart that we as care takers have to make the hard decisions, but that doesn't ease that pain of letting them go.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry for your loss of Ginger and Faith. It hurts our hearts a lot to say goodbye to our dear fur babies. As one of your readers, for quite some time, I feel sad as well and will miss them. They had a wonderful loving home with you and your husband and when the time came you did the most loving thing you could do for them. Blessings.
Kathy S said…
I am so very sorry for your loss of these two special friends. It was an enjoyment and a pleasure to get to know them from your photos and sweet words through the years. I especially remember when you and Amanda traveled to bring the piggy girls home. I will miss hearing about them and thank you for sharing them with us.
Karla said…
What a loving gift you gave to Faith and Ginger, a painless transition to the other side, and no suffering without each other on this side. We should all get to go that way, Bev. Your animals are so well-loved and cared for, with their needs first in your minds. You and your husband are the epitome of what it means to be stewards of animals. My heart is heavy for you both, and the other animals who will sense the loss around them.
Moggie said…
I'm so sorry for the loss of 2 of your best friends. I know all who read your blog mourn with you, we get to know and love your animals from far away. 💔
Susan said…
I’m so sorry. I have loved the piggy girls and the sheep.
Thank you for your love and care to them.
Anonymous said…
I am so so sorry to learn of your loss. What a hard , but loving decision you made.Absolutely, quality of life is more important than quantity. Two beloved animals with non-fixable issues. They had long and happy lives with you, and it’s also a kindness that they did not have to live without each other going forward.
littlemancat said…
Dear Bev, just read this after seeing your comet photo (FB) and feel the connection between both. My heart aches for your loss of these sweet ones, but how wise and right was your decision. You always put them first. Sending you love this day.
Judy said…
I'm so sad for you. Oh I will sure miss seeing Ginger she was truly my favorite.
Camille said…
There are not enough words to express how sorry we all are right now. Your animals are so fortunate to have such faithful companions such as yourself and husband to watch over them and always do the right thing when the time comes. They were sweet and wonderful girls and will be sorely missed.
Jeannie said…
Such sad news. Thanks for sharing them with us. I will miss them, too.
Marcia LaRue said…
Oh, dear Bev and Jack, too ... I can add nothing to what has already been said here! ♥️ Both girls will be missed from your daily blogs and life!
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry to read this and will miss them. Hold fast to your memories sweet Bev.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
oh bev, i can't tell you how sorry i am. and losing both at the same time. but you are so strong to have been able to make that decision. it's just so hard the let these enchanted animals go.
Barbara Anne said…
As I've heard and read, you and your family gave both Faith and Ginger the last gift of love you could give them in choosing grief over their departures rather than keeping them despite their pain. Hugs!
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear of your double loss of two precious souls of the farm. Those final goodbyes are the absolute hardest. Rest easy Faith and Ginger!
This N That said…
They were cared for with love and compassion from the beginning to the end..You gave them the best life and your heart.
Dear Bev and Jack, As I read this, tears streamed down my face till I was sobbing. You sharing this news in a way that honored them both. Having recently lost our OhSo Red, my heart just connected immediately to that day. We, too, did the kind thing but it is so hard. I will miss your piggy and sheepy adventures. There is a new normal for everyone at the farm, people and furry creatures alike. May you have comforting me ories of great lives well,blessed and well lived. HUGS, Debbie
Anonymous said…
So very sorry! I read your blog everyday and this breaks my heart. Sending hugs your way.