We've had an unusual week around here following the snowstorm. We had a day without power and several days without internet. In case you missed it, I was able to post some of our winter wonderland photos from the snow, yesterday, in a short blog post (courtesy of our neighbor's satellite internet).
We are once again back online and I wanted to let you know that I am going to take the next week off from blogging - a winter break, but we will be back the following week with photos and stories of February's close. You might, however, see us from time to time on Instagram (@beehavenacres)
As you can see... the snow had Forrest jumping for joy!
We had quite a lot of fun playing with snowballs!
If you ask, I think Forrest will tell you that Winter is his most favorite month!!
I am hoping that the coming week is the perfect ending to February for you. March is just around the corner - and that means the start of gardening season. I'll be working hard to get the greenhouse in tip-top shape for starting seeds.
Sending hugs, from all of us here on the farm!!
Coming from Memphis, I know a lot about N.B.Forrest, and I wonder if Forrest got his name from a historical reference (one of the sneakiest generals in U.S.history- hence the many funny stories). Its hard to think of brilliance and humor as one reflects on someone fighting for a cause that proved to be so awful.