Meet Ivanka
And Natasha
It has been a while since I have shown you a picture of the turkens
(Transylvanian naked neck chickens).
They are almost full grown now and have their adult feathers.
Surprisingly, turkens are very hardy chickens....
and these gals seem to be thriving quite well....
even in this harsh winter weather.
I just love the ruffle of feathers around their necks!
and each evening it is locked up to protect the girls (and boy) from predators.
This handsome chicken is, I'm almost certain, our newest rooster.
He is very shy and prefers to crow in the privacy of the henhouse.
He is much larger than the girls and, you can see by his plumage,
much showier than the rest.
His name is Kenny (yes, Kenny Rogers).
(All our roosters are named after singers)
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Happy 2010 Bev to you and your family!
Teacup Lane (Sandy)