Have a seat. I've brewed a pot of tea. Oh, and there are some delicious banana nut muffins here for us (made with no sugar... just a bit of maple syrup, and oddly, some cottage cheese for extra protein - but they taste like any other... especially with the addition of some chocolate chips!). Is your mouth watering? Are you comfy? Good... let's chat. Is it really a chat, though? More, a soliloquy - unless you tell me what you've been up to in the comment section!
For us, here on the farm, it was a colder than average winter. Colder, at least, outside. Several snows fell, but none of them deep. Still, with the frigid temperatures, we had snow and ice on the ground for much of January and February.
But here, inside... we stayed toasty warm with a daily roaring fire in the fireplace.
With the exception of some time spent helping my mother get ready to move... downsizing her lovely home to a more manageable apartment - it was the perfect winter for burrowing in... nesting. I've managed to keep baking sourdough on a weekly basis. And another knitting project has been on the needles - one I am excited to share with you as I get further along. It's also one that will take me quite a while to complete. I have found some lovely YouTube creators from Scandinavian countries who offer some escape when that is needed. And their knitting projects serve as wonderful inspiration, too. And I've read a couple of books, done a couple of puzzles and painted a rather complicated paint-by-number.
The landscape remains somewhat monochromatic when viewed large-scale. However, up close, life is bursting forth in every little space. Small patches of green grow bigger with each passing day. The ground is awash with blue birds-eye speedwell... the tiniest of early wildflowers. You may already have noticed the difference in morning birdsong. Birdsong is once again the soft, background chorus of the morning, with the occasional interruption by flocks of honking snow geese and Canada geese.
I clear my mind and remain present in the moment - a moment that feels like it is leading up to a crescendo of celebration. I cannot get too swept away, though. It is early and we must be patient as nature unfolds in its own time. After all, a true masterpiece takes much time.
So, now that we've set the scene, let's chat about the personalities! It never ceases to amaze me just how easily everyone weathers the winter. Although, some would have us believe that they (the donkeys) are somehow more fragile than the others - enjoying winter inside their heated shed!
Both Chloe...
and Daphne are well - no complaints, and definitely enjoying the warmer weather!
Moonie, the one-eyed wonder horse, just keeps on keeping on. He continues to be the sweetest, easiest equine soul I have had the privilege of knowing.
As you can see, the growing length of daylight has started his shedding season.
Donnie and Scarlet (the ponies) remain here on the farm, but at my sister-in-law's barn to keep her horse company. All seem to be doing well and are often seen chatting over the fence to their old pasture mates, Red and Moonie.
Yes, 2024 was a big year of losses here on the farm. Pig, sheep, and goat pens remain empty. We have so very many wonderful memories from the days when all of those pastures were full. But, time marches on, and not only do our animals age, but so do we. We are lucky to have a handful of souls left who still need our care.
The barn cats are all doing well. Pete continues to be the sweetest (albeit, heaviest) cat in the barn. he may not look it, but he feels like he weighs 35 pounds!
Old Moll, Lord knows just how old she is... is still with us, but stays close to the barn. The busy Beas - (twin black sisters) are also doing great. One has remained super friendly. The other, much shyer.
If you remember our elusive Cheerio, the orange tiger that we rarely see - I will tell you this: he lives in the hayloft and is there on a daily basis. We have caught photos of him on by game camera coming downstairs to eat at night. Otherwise, he is completely camera shy and would like for us to just pretend that he doesn't exist.
And that brings us to the birds...
guineas, runner ducks...
and chickens.
Luckily, we've had no problems with bird flu this year. The chickens are doing great and egg production, as you can see, is superb! Thankfully, we never have to buy eggs!
We still have our wonderful canine friends. Annie, who is approaching 12, and getting grey in the face, continues to enjoy our walks in the woods.
And Chester, whom we feared would never get used to Forrest, has become his best friend... the two of them constantly playing!
And believe it or not, Forrest turns two next month.
He's the best and smartest boy, and he brings so much joy to our lives!
Goodness... there is still so much to talk about. But... I think this quick catch-up is it for now. That way, I can save some for a later post!
Have a lovely day... and if you are still in the thick of winter, just remember... Spring is coming. The tiny signs are there. You just might need to look a little harder for them!
PS: Happy St. Patty's Day!!
Enjoy the changing season and all of its new discoveries.
Mighty blessings to all…
Winter was cold here like it used to be, but thankfully no major snow storms.Enough to keep the snow shovels in tune 😁 March is unpredictable and despite near 70 degrees a few days ago, at the moment it is snowing! But, garlic and crocus are up and the promise of spring is in the air. ❤️
Glad all is well ;)
It seems to be shedding season for cats as well..
It was nice to visit with all the BHA residents..I have missed them..I think you forgot Hubs 🤣
Happy St Paddy's Day to you as well..