It's been a while - a long while.
No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. We are still here - with the day to day minutia that I shared for so many years. Not much has changed and yet... so much has. Thank you to those who checked in to see how we were doing. It's been an incredibly busy few months for me but things are gradually slowing back down to the ebb and flow of normal life once again. The happenings of the past several months has left me little time or energy for writing.
You see... I grew up believing that we all enter life knowing little and strive to learn and grow and be better each and every day. Everyone makes mistakes, of course. But I was under the naive assumption that people wanted to be the best versions of themselves. Sadly, I have witnessed the opposite in recent times.
I'll be honest with you. You and I may be from "different sides of the aisle". And, I believe that we all see life just a bit differently - through our own lens, based on the experiences of our lives. We grew up in different families with different values, different religions, different politics. And to me... that is what makes us unique and interesting. To me, Democracy was the idea that while embracing those differing values, we would come together, debate together, and compromise together so that the masses would benefit from agreed upon ideals. I believed that in this system, all would be treated with respect and civility. The system was not built so that a certain group would get its way, but rather that the greater good for humanity might be the end goal.
Sadly, over the last years, I have been called a "lib-tard", a liberal snowflake, a "devil rat" and other sad descriptors by those who don't see life through my lens.
"What is your lens?" you ask.
It is simply this: I believe that we have a duty to care for those who cannot care for themselves. I believe that those who have much, have a duty to help care for those who don't, in whatever way they can... through time, talent, or financial means. I believe that no one needs to have billions of dollars, pay no taxes, and use up more than their fair share of natural resources while there are human beings who have no access to clean drinking water, nutritious food, a roof over their heads, and affordable healthcare. I believe that the health of our planet should be a priority so that our children and their children do not end up with an inhospitable environment in which to live.
I do not believe that billionaires should be spending millions, taking joy rides to the edge of outer-space, while one single child goes to bed hungry on this planet.
I believe that all people have the right to affordable healthcare - no matter their race, or gender.
I believe that a democratic government should be of the people, by the people, and FOR the people.
I have tried to stay current with the news of the day... but, have learned that just because an outlet calls itself "news" it can also be a propaganda machine. It is difficult to find truthful news reporting - but not impossible and it is our duty as citizens to do so. In doing so, we must resist the urge to listen to that which makes us feel good. No, in today's climate, we need to feel the discomfort felt by others, so that we truly understand their lives.
We need to pay attention to our neighbors in the grocery stores - mothers who struggle to put nutritious food on their tables due to the unfathomably high prices. We need to understand how difficult it is for those persons who have to decide whether to eat or to pay for their inflated prescriptions. We need to understand the plight of our farmers. We need to understand the pain felt by healthcare practitioners called to care for unvaccinated children who die in their care. We need to understand that there truly are persons who suffer from gender dysphoria - it's not something they chose. We have to understand that so much of this sadness is preventable.
But this is where we are at this moment.
Apparently in believing in this type of morality, I have become an enemy of the state.
It felt disingenuous to write about my sweet farm life and all of the beauty that is around me... when so many others are suffering so deeply. This is my quandary.
But now.... Spring is knocking at the door and the color is starting to wash upon the land and the woods are calling me to dance once again. How can I not share that beauty with you?
There's definitely a shortage of beauty and inspiration these days. And so... I am definitely getting an itch to start writing again.... at least on occasion.
I cannot continue to write about my feelings on the state of the world - that would be depressing. I am glad though, that I shared them here with you so that you better understand me. However I can write about the beauty that surrounds me when it inspires me. If you'll have me.... I'd like to pop in from time to time! I've missed you more than you know. But, I also needed the mental rest.
America is bigger than the Evil trying to destroy us.
We will survive the next four years.
You are stating EVERYTHING I feel about, what should one call it, our Government hijacked? That's just for starters . . .I could write pages . . . .I remember the first time I voted (for McGovern:) - I was SO excited! I couldn't wait! Now I feel such sadness and outrage - and I don't know what to do about it. I am thrilled that people are protesting (and I would - if I had a 'good' knee) - so at least we have that. I am just not sure anymore if we are going to make it through this . . .
I wasn't going to go on and on - I'm just happy that you and Jack and your families are all ok. And of course the sweet critters . . . Thank you for sharing your thoughts - they helped me SO much. .xoxoxo Karen - Pacific Northwest
I also understand your need to step away, for whatever reason. But I'll gladly read whatever you write, when the mood moves you. Also happy to see pics on IG.
I hate what the Orange Lump and his Muskrat are doing to our country! And the horrendous jerks he is using as his "administration" ... the know-nothing goon squad ... RFK, Jr., McMahon, Dr. Oz ... good grief! They are 💩💩 on everyone!
Love you!
It is terrible some folks have to be so mean and be unkind especially to you. Shame on them.....
I was thinking that I really miss spring springing on the farm and being included in the adventures there. Thanks for touching bases with us again.
Sincerely, Debbie, Timber and now Dixie's mom!
Keep up the faith and keep entertaining us with your well-spoken words. I look forward to more postings about your farm life.
Diane F in Colorado
I welcome your posts. Mondays just aren't the same without one of your posts to look forward to and I have felt it deep inside. Anything you are willing to share would bring a lot more light into this world. Feeling so thankful this morning to hear from you. You have been so missed by so many. I hope we can soon get an update on all of the critters. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless us, everyone.
Thank you for your courage.
that said--we do live in a 'scary' world right now--and we need to do what we can to bring smiles to others--I have done an email card company for a few years and have 12 or so other bloggers on my auto list--I do holiday cards and try to do a monthly general card--but my membership is up this month and it's $30-so had decided not to continue and sent out one last card--only--I have to find the money I believe to continue it as so many have replied how those simple cards give them a smile every time they get one--so how can I not keep sending them smiles??
thanks for the post--you gave me hope!! hugs, di