It's Been A Long Journey

Today is my 4,100th blog post.  It's been a 19-year-long journey of writing, and now I have come to the conclusion that it is time to step off of the blogging train for a while.  I am going to take a blogging break for now.

Feel free to follow @beehavenacres on Instagram for peeks into our farm life as it unfolds.

Thanks for being there to share the smiles and the tears through the years.  It's been a wonderful ride!  I've made so many friends in this blogosphere.  Please know how much I have appreciated your comments, your concern, and your care throughout the years.

From all of us, to all of you... much love and all the best.

We won't say goodbye... just "See you later!"




Unknown said…
Will miss your blog so very much. Thank you for all the years of posts. Lisa G in TN
daisy g said…
Oh, you and your farm will be sorely missed. I don’t do social media, but I will be blessing y’all from afar. So, so grateful for you and your readers as well. It feels like community here.
Anonymous said…
I will truly miss hearing from you. Best of luck to you, your family and your beloved animals.
Anonymous said…
P. S. As I sit here stunned at the news, I feel as though I have just heard from a good friend who is moving far away. I am happy for you, but sad for me. Bon Voyage!
Susan said…
Wishing you many long long walks in the woods with Jack and the furry ones, nose kisses with the equines, silent hours in Maven Haven, many seasons with dirt on your hands and peace above all. Thank you for your time and sharing and the intro to fungus!Hugs and warm happy wishes from NC!
Karla said…
Wow, 19 years of daily blogging, that's like having a job, a job that you loved, and so many of us loved. Thank you for being a bright spot in this world, Bev. I follow you on Instagram now!
Oh my goodness, as someone said, happy for you to have a break, but sad for us as your readers. I marvel that you’ve posted nearly every day – always the first thing I read – thank you for the years, the inspiration, for sharing your sweet four-legged friends. Enjoy every single minute – but from the looks of things, I don’t need to tell you that, it seems as though you take in the beauty of each day and look for the positive. If you ever find yourself with extra soap or knitting projects, etc., for sale – drop me an email, please! Wishing you all a relaxing, warm and cozy winter, Mary
PS - may I ask that you keep your blog available so that we can jot down some recipes or see the past garden inspiration? Still so much to learn!
Anonymous said…
My heart receives this with sadness. I so look forward to reading your posts with morning coffee and miss you on weekends. I was looking forward to spring and the new garden adventures. Speaking of adventures...Forrest and the gang too! I worry about Moonie, Red and the Donkey girls and all the others. I will miss the kids growing up....and the beautiful land through the seasons. These words are not to lay any guilt trip but to say you will be sorely missed and I have truly appreciated your thoughts and photos. God speed my friend.... from Debbie, Timber's Mom
Junebug said…
I will truly miss you, but so understand. Enjoy time on the farm , I know you will be knitting away, planning upcoming garden and your day today choice. Thank you for all these years, will be missed. June
A P.S. from Debbie, Timber's Mom.... I discovered the archives! I have been going back a forth from the beginning reading Bee Haven Acres from the start. Awesome! It will take me a while to work my way through some 4000+ posts, but it is like discovering a box of old letters from years gone by! I hope they will continue to be available for some time to come. Lord bless you! ❤️
dustbunny8 said…
Best wishes on your new path you will be missed. Will try to check in on insta I just struggle to use that one.
Anonymous said…
Best wishes on your early (?) retirement. Your blogging will be missed, but you deserve a break and maybe you’ll be back after a rest?? Enjoy it❣️
Barbara Anne said…
I hope you'll be back soon as we'll miss you, the critters, and exuberant Forrest so much. I'm not on Instagram and won't be.
Thanks for your enjoyable posts and photos, take care, and again, hope to see you soon.

kruzingwithk9s said…
I am sad and glad for you. Was hoping there was more soap for sale but you do what is best for you. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully you keep this open so we can search archives as I have only been on here for a year or two so have lots of archives to go thru.
Bee Haven Bev said…
I will most likely check in from time to time. And, I do have soap for sale. Feel free to email me about that.
Oh Bev, I am heartbroken tonight as I read your words. I thank you for such wonderful posts over the many years. You and your stories and pictures have been just amazing. I have smiled and laughed at the good things and cried when your dear animals have passed. Yours was the one blog I couldn't wait to read and the end of each day. Don't know if I can figure out instagram...but I can try. At any rate, thank you so much for all the posts over the years. I loved them all. God bless you and your family and home and critters. Much love to you all.
Leslye said…
This is sad news, This is the only blog I have ever followed because you have such a wonderful outlook on life and you care so much about our wonderful earth. I have learned quite a few things from your blog , One of them is the amazing world of mushrooms. You will be sourly missed. I hope you do check in from time to time. Blessings to you and your family,
Georgia said…
I’ve looked forward to reading your blog every day for many years, and have appreciated your perspective and knowledge so much. Thank you for your great gift of sharing your wonderful life on the farm with us. Love and best wishes to you, your family, and all the beautiful creatures in your life.
I hope this is not for good but thank you for sharing your farm and life with us. It has been enlightening to learn so much from you and i am grateful . Take care and I hope maybe you will think about giving us an occasional update.
Marcia LaRue said…
Well, you know I will miss you and Jack and the 4 legged farm family. I have gotten out of Instagram and now, only have how to find me on Bluesky on Facebook!
I'm not reading that you are leaving forever but are just taking a much needed sabbatical and that gives me hope that you will be back!
Love you .... ❤️
Camille said…
You will be very much missed but fully appreciate the need to step back a bit and take a well earned break. Fingers crossed you'll check in from time to time with updates and news from the farmy. X
Anonymous said…
So sorry to see the blog end as I've enjoyed hearing from you for nearly all the 19 years you've posted. Thank you for brightening our days with your farm reports and thoughtful reflections on life. It
seems an abrupt end and so many of us are left wondering if everything is ok in your world. Please take care and know we all wish you well.
(Toni in San Francisco Bay Area)
Anonymous said…
For years I have read your blog, but never commented. I looked forward each day to the daily blog, and you never failed to to post. You have been an inspiration, a pick-me-up when I was feeling down, and most of all entertaining. I shall miss you greatly; thank you for your faithfulness to your readers.
Anonymous said…
This blog has been my daily retreat for the past 2-3 years, a place to step into the slow living of farm life. I do hope you continue to post your fun adventures and experiences on Instagram and Youtube.
Anonymous said…
Will miss your blog so much as it was a way to live on a farm vicariously for this city gal.
Is there any way for you to post a link to your Instagram? (That platform requires that you sign up for use so this might be the incentive I need to further delve into the world of social media.)
Best wishes on your hiatus and hope that you enjoy your time away.
Eileen in Fla. said…
You and your farm have been a joy in a World that has become increasingly troubled. Thank you. You will be missed.