I spent a little time, yesterday, looking back at past Christmases here on the farm. We have had the privilege of caring for and loving so many varied souls over the years. Some remain with us to this day... others have passed. All have given us wonderful memories that we will forever cherish. Two donkey girls who are always game for a little dress-up. Our two sweet, peaceful half-sisters - Daphne and Chloe wish you a peaceful, heartwarming Christmas.

Next, there's Moonie - in his younger days, when he still had both eyes. Older and one-eyed now, he remains the very best horse a gal could ask for.... patient, gentle, loyal, and always the gentleman. For you, he wishes a Christmas filled with whatever special treat you love... "like maybe apples or a peppermint stick" he suggests!
Then from the dogs, who'd prefer to not dress up this year... (This was Annie in her pre-grey-muzzle days.) They wish, for you, a day filled with whatever activity makes you happy. For them it will be a walk in the woods.
We have several ghosts of Christmas past... souls that we loved and lost. Now is not the time for sadness at their loss - we suffered that already. Now is time for celebrating the time that we had with them and the love that we shared.
MaryAnn and Ginger would wish for you a Christmas with second helpings of your favorite meals.
And from our long-gone goatie goats...their wish would have been for you to enjoy many butt-scratches in the days to come!
Have a lovely holiday and know that we love you! We appreciate you stopping by and chatting with us. We are grateful for your love and care and hope to keep sharing this journey with you as it unfolds day by day.
Much love and light from your friends on the farm... present and past!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and to all those you love and for whom you care!