First Fire

 The sun has reached the horizon.  It's cold, but there's a promise of warmth in the afternoon.  The horses are peacefully grazing,

And the ducks and chickens are off patrolling the fields in search of insects, too chilled to escape probing beaks or bills.

look how big our babies have grown

We've reached the height of autumn color - the rising sun turning the leaves into a fiery spectacle.

 For now, though, I thought we could spend a little time in Maven Haven and warm up by a cozy fire... the first of the season... the first of many.

I had to do a little tidying up outside the shed. 

 Summer's blossoms are all but gone, with tall skeletal stalks and seed heads remaining.  I took a few moments and clipped them off and trimmed along the edges of the walkway.  

Things have a way of overgrowing here if I don't pay attention.

A few bits and bobs have been added to her exterior this past year.... a couple of bees flew by and must have gotten stuck in the fresh purple paint... and there they have stayed!

On our way, we pass beneath the arbor that carries hyacinth bean vines up, up, up towards the sky...

their delicate flowers yet untouched by the frost...

with magenta bean pods forming on the vines - next year's vines in seed form.

Beneath the arbor, succulents still grow.

You might notice that another metal bee rests in the middle of the arbor.  The shed seems to be the resting place of all things bee-related.  My bee-utiful tiny retreat.

Would you like to join me for a cup of tea and a freshly baked scone?

I am sure we could find so much to talk about!  Come inside and let's warm up.  There is already a cozy fire burning in the stove, and the tea kettle is hot.

The dogs are fast asleep from the hypnotic, crackling warmth.   

Good, you've taken a seat in the comfy chair.  Put your feet up on the footstool - Annie and Chester will keep you company.   I think that you, too, may soon find yourself in peaceful slumber.  That's ok... enjoy your repose.  We can chat later.  I'll keep your tea warm.  And worry not - I won't eat your scone!

"Where is Forrest?" you ask as your eyes drift shut.   Most likely outside chewing the stems off of a pumpkin - one of his favorite pranks these days.  Once the stems are removed, like magic, the pumpkins become balls... oh so much fun! Next, it becomes a snack for the chickens.  Nothing goes to waste.

I wanted to share with you a photo I took while lying supine on the ground the other night.  We are fortunate to live in an area with little light pollution.  I was able to see and photograph the Milky Way.  Looking at the sky, I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of insignificance (not a bad thing).  The Milky Way (our galaxy) is estimated to contain 200 to 400 billion stars.  More than 3,200 of those stars are the suns in their own solar system with planets revolving around them.  Traveling beyond our own galaxy... there are estimated to be somewhere between 200 billion to 2 trillion other galaxies in the known universe.  Some scientists have estimated that we have only observed 10% of the universe.

And some scientists believe there may be more than one universe.  

Our human minds are incapable of conceiving of numbers this high - it's mind-blowing.  But it does serve to make one think... we are just a tiny speck - and with that, so are our problems.  So, if we are that tiny... let's just concentrate on the good stuff!
