Don't Get Me Wrong...

The rain continues.  And though I don't have a story, per se, for you today... I am hoping that today's photos start your day with a smile.  I am hoping that this smile is just the first of many for you today.

Who is that man behind those Foster Grants?

Me:  "Let's take a selfie, today, Moonie."

Moonie:  "Meh."

Me:  "Come on, don't turn your nose up"

"Just smile for the camera!"

"Look at me, Mom... I'm smiling!!"

Some of you were amazed by the varied types of mushrooms that we have in our woods.  I believe that is due to the fact that Pennsylvania has great biodiversity in the trees that grow here... a combination of both northern and southern varieties.  And with many fungi being dependent upon a certain type of tree... biodiversity of trees yields biodiversity of fungi.

The moisture has also brought out lots of toads and other amphibians.

"Leave it, Forrest... not a toy!"

A Personal Note:

My mission, in blog-writing is to share farm life and the beauty of nature - hopefully giving you something to smile about each morning.  I try to keep everything positive - because, these days we are inundated every single day with the harsh realities of life - natural disasters, war, climate change, religious and political divisions, and hatred.  I, as much as anyone, feel the weight of these things in my heart.  What I don't do is talk about these things on my blog.  It's not because I don't care - I do, more deeply than you would imagine.  I do what I can to help financially, send healing thoughts, and work on becoming the best person I can be both personally and with respect to our earth and my fellow humanity - focussing on gratitude rather than despair.  

I believe there is a need for sacred spaces that remain untouched by negative energy - places we can go for respite.  It is my hope that this is one such place.  That's not to say that I portray a fantasy life - no, I try to keep farm life "real" and occasionally share the sadness we feel when we lose a farm friend.   This is not an indication of what is more important to me... I just keep to the subject of the blog.  It is always my hope that no matter what is going on "out there", this place, this page, might offer you a smile, some inspiration, a sense of wonder, or just a glimmer of positivity.


Karla said…
Bev, and this is exactly what has kept me coming to your blog all these years; it is a sacred, safe space. I am glad that you have kept to your mission. If you ever wonder if your blog is relevant, or does anyone care, yes, it is relevant and yes, we do care about it. I know when I come to your blog, it will be informative, have beautiful pictures and words, and fill my heart with gladness.