At Peace

 We did morning chores by the light of the rising sun, yesterday.  It's that time of year when the sunrises become spectacular.  With a cloudless sky, however, there was not the fiery show that one might expect, but still, it was beautiful!

We've hit that sweet spot where the days are bright and sunny, but the temperatures are lower.  Sweater weather.  And because the animals are always wearing their sweaters, it's a lovely time for them now.

Everyone seems to enjoy these days.

After chores were done, and barn kitties were settled in for their morning naps in the hay,

we followed our branch manager...

into the woods for a walk....

As we stepped onto the woods trail, the crisp morning air enveloped us, carrying the scent of damp earth and leaves from the previous night's rain.  

The rising sun cast dappled shadows through the rain-soaked foliage, that shimmered and glowed like a thousand diamonds.

The colorful trail squished beneath our feet - a carpet of red and yellow leaves released the sweet earthy aroma of growth and decay - the leafy covering growing thicker as the trees relinquish their hold.  

Above, the canopy begins to change from green to a tinge of autumn hues - stretching towards the cloudy, blue sky like a kaleidoscope of green, amber, gold and crimson. 

The trees stand tall, their branches etched against the sky like Nature's own cathedral. 

The sun, a burning ember, casts long shadows across the forest floor as it slowly ascends towards the treetops.  Suddenly, a flock of blackbirds erupts through the canopy, their sleek silhouettes slicing through foliage like a whispered secret.  Their calls fill the air, a raucous chorus of joy and freedom.

 With each step, the world unfolds its beauty, a tapestry woven from threads of light, sound, and scent. 

 The cool morning air fills my lungs, invigorating my senses, and I feel so alive and so connected to all that is around me. 

 It is in this place that I feel one with the world... a small, barely significant piece of something so much grander.  In this fleeting moment, all is right with the world.


daisy g said…
I am always so grateful for autumn’s arrival. The picture of the leaf covered path in the woods is stunning!
It’s good to see the boys on the trail, enjoying the season.
littlemancat said…
So beautiful,Bev. Your words and photos catch it so well. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing again. I am not able to stroll through the fields and woods any more like I used to, but the videos and scents are there to be aroused with your descriptive adventures and musings. Those who can wander and do are truly blessed....❤️
Marcia LaRue said…
You always wax so poetic on these Autumn 🍁 mornings! Moonie looks so studly standing in the pasture like that! He is such a beautiful boy!