How is it that we find ourselves in the middle of June, headed down the home stretch towards the longest day of the year? We are also headed into the hottest week of the year thus far. This gal is not a fan of the heat (and neither am I if truth were told!)
Fly masks are a must these days.
And believe it or not (if you've been on this journey with us for a while you will understand what I am saying).... Chloe actually let me put a fly mask on her yesterday.
Wonders never cease!
Mornings are still relatively cool and remain everyone's active time. Both Faith and Ginger can be found out in the pasture at this time of day. When they see me at the barn, they come over to beg for their breakfast.
Forrest assumes they are there to play with him.
Faith says, emphatically, that they are not - she stamps her feet and gives Forrest a little head butt.
This week, finally, is liberation week for the birds. We have kept them in the past 6 weeks during the yearly season that foxes teach their kits to hunt. We learned our lesson a few years ago when we had a Mother's Day massacre. Now they stay in their yards from Mother's Day til Father's Day.