Rain Forest


 from the land of soggy donkeys,

and daily drizzle.

We are all a little squirrely these days, with all of this rain...

 hanging on by our toes - waiting for sunny days to arrive.

Actually, around here, the squirrels outnumber humans by about four to one...marauding little birdseed thieves!

Amazingly, almost every day, the sun arrives for at least a couple minutes!

Today, finally, we get a break - no rain predicted until the weekend.

Despite the soggy ground, life goes on as usual.  

The horses get their morning grazing time.  

Forrest loves to keep an eye on them.  Just before I snapped this photo, he was eating grass (grazing) right beside Red.

Watch out!  Chester can't hold his licker!

This is the most lush spring we have ever had here on the farm - thanks to the ample rain.  Everything is blossoming; and the amount of new growth is astounding!

I started a new gardening project in front of Maven Haven that I will be able to show you in the near future.  Then, after this rainy season passes, I will be repainting her - from top to bottom - a complete makeover.

I might be guilty of creating work for myself.  Oh well... I sure have fun in the process.

Today's title promised a rain forest.  Here is our version:

Yup, he's a soggy doggy... and a happy one!


Rainy here too! My poor flowers need some sunshine to perk them up. They seem to be drowning. We have had no sunshine this week and none until Sunday.
Forrest is definitely in his element. I don't think I've ever seen a dog that likes water as much as he does.
Have a joy filled day!
Barbee' said…
Ha, ha, ha, love it, thank you!!
This N That said…
Can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with maven Haven. You should have named Forrest “puddles“.. who knew?
Good shot of the dandelion. Hugs.
Jeannie said…
Too funny!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
forrest is just too funny. that boy sure loves water. i can't wait to see maven haven. i too, am going to redo my posting shed exterior if i find the time this summer. i've been planning it for a year.
Spring is bursting out all over with your rainfall. Love seeing the gorgeous flowers and all. Can't believe Forrest loves laying in the puddles. Hope you all enjoy some sunshine soon.
Forrest is so funny. I can see splashing and running with wild abandon but soaking like a sponge? Ha ha ha! Spring has finally sprung here too and the varying shades of green are amazing! I am interested in Maven Haven's up- do!