Donut shaped...
Muffin topped...
There were too many to even count.
We headed across the pasture to the other side, where Ginger was happily grazing. I had hoped to be able to trim Ginger's hooves while we were out visiting her. It's funny - since the passing of her sister, MaryAnn, Ginger has become quite the outgoing pig. She greets us like her sister used to and love all the attention that is lavished on her... by humans and dogs alike.
I began rubbing her belly, and, happily, she flopped right over on her side.
In this position I could alternate between belly rubs and hoof trimming.
In a few minutes, I was able to cut all of her nails.
One happy pig...
One jealous Chester.
As soon as I finished fussing over Ginger, Chester joined the other dogs who were playing close by.
It's so interesting how Ginger has become more sociable. Do she and her sheepie sister still hang out together?
Ginger truly has come out of her shell to become the adventurous Ms. Piggy! She seems to be quite happy now on her own or when she's hanging out with Faith or the dogs!
Another great start to the day!