Yesterday was a sunny, blue-skied, leave-your-jacket-on-the-fencepost kind of day. And so, with sweet Pete to keep an eye on it,
I removed my jacket and headed out into the front pasture to spend some time with the Three Musketeers... Ginger, MaryAnn and Faith.
Faith has found her new normal. I knew eventually she would. I'm glad it didn't take long.
There are some things I can always count on when I'm out in the front pasture. MaryAnn always comes over for a belly rub.
Ginger, on the other hand, uses the muck cart for a scratching post.
After visiting with all of my pasture friends, I continued on my way cleaning up manure. When finished, I let myself back into the dry lot and found a very curious little horses checking out my jacket.
Just what this shady little character needs... a hood!
With chores finished at the barn, I rode down to check on the pond duck population. Hubbs had filled their feed bowl with several scoops early in the morning. However, seeing 60+ ducks on the pond, I wasn't surprised to see the bowl already empty. I refilled it and drove back up the driveway.
Peeking through the woods, I spied quite a mob of mallards had swarmed the feed bowl. We're feeding a lot of ducks!
I spent yesterday morning cooking and baking for Thanksgiving. (Jack baked the pumpkin pie!).
We are having our farm family dinner on Friday so as not to conflict with other dinners. Today, we will have Thanksgiving dinner with our across-the-fence friend, Jim and Kathy (our tradition). As a result of all the food prep, our chickens had their feast for yesterday's lunch.
In case you noticed our absence yesterday, I was away from the farm all of Tuesday, grocery shopping and helping out with the Littles on moving day. Because I did not get back home until late evening... writing a blog took a backseat to the rest of the evening.
While wonderful for some, the holidays can be a difficult time for others. Please know how grateful I am for this online farm family. I would love to serve each and every one of you at my Thanksgiving table... what fun that would be! Please know, as I reflect on all for which I am grateful, that you are on the list. May your Thanksgiving day be peaceful.
Sending love, from the farm.
Jack, your pumpkin pie looks scrumptious...pumpkin is my favorite.
Bev, I'm very grateful that you and BHA have been a part of my online family for many years. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. xoxoxox
R Hill
Happy Thanksgiving!
God bless you all.
Lynne in Georgia :-)
Your words,kind deeds,caring for "all creatures great and small" send out a peaceful,yet powerful message.
Grateful for YOU!