There are a lot of adjustments to be made when a new soul moves onto the farm. Introductions must be made, but they cannot be rushed. Most must happen in their own time.
Pete seems completely at home in the barn. He spent his entire day, yesterday, out of his crate and able to roam free. He's not a very adventurous tyke, however, and seems to stay in the barn when we are not with him. When we are there working, he does a lot more investigating.
It is truly uncanny how similar to Griz he is in disposition, and also in little quirks. I truly believe there is some other-worldly connection between these two cats. Pete acts as if he has always lived at the barn. I was surprised to find him drinking out of the horse trough two days ago - something that Griz always did. There is no reason that he should even know that these huge tubs hold water from his low vantage point, yet, there he was on the fence rail, hanging on with his back legs enjoying a good, long drink. Now, mind you, he has his own water in the barn, as well as another bucket that is filled fresh daily for the other cats. For some reason, he choses the large horse trough.
Yesterday morning, as he was getting his fill, Chloe was quite curious about this new face and sauntered over for a closer look.
For a while, Pete was unaware that there was a large, soft nose just inches away.
And then... surprise!.... he saw her and startled. He's a brave little kitty, and held his position.
Then he gave her a sniff, and looked her right in the eye. Nothing scary here (for either of them.)
Finished drinking, he moved on to the next adventure.
As for Moll and the two Beatrixes (our other barn kitties) - they are all staying in the hayloft at the present time. They make their way downstairs for meals only and to lodge their complaints about the presence of another kitty. In time, all will adjust and life will return to its normal routine. Until then, it is fun to see how everyone reacts to Pete's presence.
As for life in the farmhouse, it's very quiet ever since Mackenzie left last evening. We had a wonderful time enjoying her company and her wit.
Today we will be catching up on all of the work that we have let slip over the past several days. There is much mowing to be done. Unfortunately, the oppressive heat continues. This is an unusual year. Normally by this time in August, the grass has dried and turned brown and mowing is an every-other-week task. This year, however, we have received so much rainfall that the mowing can barely wait a week. Everything remains lush and green. The garden continues to produce oodles of veggies, and no watering has been necessary. You can't ask for more than that!
I agree, it will be interesting to see the next time she is there.
I know yall will miss your lovely little granddaughter. It seems they suddenly are grown!
I was astonished to find brussel sprouts in our garden. The plants were given to us this spring and we have never grown them before. Nothing we could do kept the bugs from eating them up--the leaves look like swiss cheese. There are so many sprouts!! I was almost yelling about it! Do they have only one crop?