A Place of Peace

 Good morning.  In light of all that is going on in the world, I must assure you that there is still so much good out there.  Sadly, we hardly ever hear about the good... just the bad.  This doesn't diminish the fact that yesterday's news was horrible.  It just makes me ever resolute to provide a refuge from the ugly... a place of peace and tranquility.

Albeit, a peaceful, hot and muggy place right now!  We mowed yesterday and absolutely baked in the sun.  I do need to report that the Farmer's Defense sleeves  that I ordered online as a sun block for my arms work splendidly.  (note, I am receiving no compensation for my opinion... it's just my own opinion, in case you were thinking you might need something like this item)

The garden continues to produce oodles and oodles of tomatoes and peppers.  I have given lots away, and still I have more than you could imagine!

You might remember that I had processed quite a few peaches from Becky's tree a couple of weeks ago.  Our orchard peach tree finally started to ripen early this week.  I waited until yesterday to pick those peaches, only to find that they had disappeared into desiccated oblivion.

Our pear trees have very large, not-quite-ripe fruit on them.  Hopefully, next time I check them, they are still there!

We'll also have a good apple harvest this fall.

Luckily, though, we still have that little peach tree that grew from a pit, right over the bank from our farm house at the edge of the woods.  It is loaded right now with very large, almost ripe peaches.  The peaches were so heavy for this little tree that we had to buttress it up with a wooden support.

I am happy to report that our young hens (this year's chicks) are just starting to lay sweet little brown eggs.  The darker egg on the right is complements of one of these youngsters.  Keep it up gals!!

They are a funny group of hens... very outgoing.  I have learned to not wear sandals into the chicken yard, however, as Ruby came running up to me yesterday, giving my toe a big peck!  I have no idea what she thought it was... perhaps something tasty?

Life at the barn has settled back into its normal routine.  All the barn cats, who had scattered when Pete arrived, have resumed their normal daily activities.  Moll cat once again greets me in the morning as I approach the barn. 

 All of the cats freely roam the entire barn now.  Things are completely back to usual. 

Pete has been given complete freedom... day and night, and is doing great!  He spends his days in the barn... lounging on the table saw cover.

  He's quite a talker and is very vocal when we are around.  

We spent a little extra time at the barn yesterday and did some cleaning.  It's amazing how dirty barns get - and quickly!  It felt great to remove the cobwebs and hay dirt that have accumulated over months.  

Despite the heat, we're in a "sweet" stretch... no worries, everyone is doing well.  I have learned to truly appreciate the quiet moments.

All is well. Life is good!

We have a busy weekend ahead of us and will be back Monday to share our adventures with you!


To Wanda,  Brussels sprouts will only produce one set of sprouts.  I have had no luck growing them by planting them in the springtime.  Where we live, Spring does not last long enough for this cool weather plant to grow and produce sprouts before the heat and bugs of summer robs the plant of its sprouts.  I know that local farmers plant the seedlings in later summer and then harvest them in the late autumn instead.  That seems to work best here in PA.

One note about that "Dorito" vine that I showed you earlier this week.  It's real name is Mile-a-minute vine and it is highly invasive.  It is native to India and Asia, and was accidentally introduced to the Stated through contaminated seed that ended up in York, PA.  Although it is attractive as a vine, it would not be something one would want in their garden, unless of course it were the only thing one wanted in their garden.  It would definitely cover everything.... including small, slow-moving children and pets!


Last, but certainly not least, Happy Anniversary to my favorite person!!  It's been an adventure and one that I could not imagine doing with anyone but you!  Thank you for making all my dreams come true... every single day! 


The JR said…
Happy Anniversary. Great picture of you two.

The animals around here have wiped out our pears, Japanese persimmon's, PawPaw, Figs and blueberries this year. I had not planned on making jelly/jam, but would have at least liked to have a few of the pear and persimmon to eat out of hand.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
happy anniversary to you two!!! pete fit in fast!
daisy g said…
Thank you for some needed cheer. It is so depressing to think about all that is going wrong in the world, and how much we are divided on the subjects at hand. Very discouraging...

Sweet Pete is fitting right in! I think you're right, that Griz had something to do with it.

Enjoy your anniversary weekend! Blessings from North Carolina!
Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary!
Judy said…
Happy Anniversary
Pete has fit right in and is so adorable. Your post just make my day everyday. Enjoy your weekend.
colleen said…
All is well. Life is good. Moonie is handsome!!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Unknown said…
Happy anniversary... Always good to see a couple that has grown together over the years.
Love your blog, it's always a bright spot to my morning reading. Indeed we need good news and sweet photos. Blessings, Lisa G in TN
Marcia LaRue said…
I am curious as to which print you got for those Farmer Arm covers! There certainly are lots of choices ... so I can't imagine you went boring with them! LOL
Pete is a tiny little guy with a BIG personality! He is just sooo cute!!
Another lovely visit to BHA this morning ... it's where we come to to forget for a moment what all is going on in the world!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both ... Wow! Two of the Beautiful People in that photo!!!
Patty said…
Happy Anniversary!

I'm glad things are peaceful on the farm once again. I just love Pete's face, actually I love everything about that little guy!
littlemancat said…
Happy to see Moll greeting you again in the morning.
All the kitties will settle in with little Pete as they become acquainted.
And a very Happy Anniversary! Ours and my parents were also in August. You both look so happy together.
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary!! Love reading your blog every day!
leslye said…
Happy Anniversary to a couple who make the world a better place.
Cheryl said…
Happy Anniversary! Great pic!

Thank you for helping keep spirits up with your blog. It's my go-to read every day! I am reminded of my grand parent's farm, except instead of horses, they raised cows.
Happy Anniversary you two! Love the picture. It's my husband's birthday today too....so a very special day! Love that all your barn kitties are getting back to normal again. Hope little Pete will stay safe! That little peach tree is sure full of peaches and you have a lot of pears to keep you busy too. Always so fun to come and visit your place each evening. Thanks for always great pictures and a great blog. Enjoy the weekend! Hope it cools off for you!
Bernie said…
Happy Anniversary! You both clean up good!
Sally said…
Happy Anniversary Love the picture of the both of you. You sure are one happy couple.
Little Pete is so cute. Enjoy your day.
Lynne said…
I wonder who/what decimated the peaches . . .
You have such a wonderful farm, plantings, animals . . .
Each day there is new warmth, joy, activity . . .
Sometimes some mischief too.
Love all the peppers, apples, peaches, tomatoes and ALL.
Karen said…
Pretty happy looking couple - you STILL look like this! A lot of heart behind those smiles . . . Happiest Anniversary! xoxoxox