We've been absent - missing yesterday's blog because we were out of town. While the farm was in the safe, loving hands of our number one helper, Anna and her little girls..... And... "the girls"- long-time friends- Maggie and Macy and their mom, we left town for three days for a quick, cool getaway to our dear friends' lake house.
With Maggie and Macy came the three chickens that they had hatched out early this spring. Only two, the two hens, are staying here at the farm. The white rooster, who turned quite mean - and at such a young age- is being re-homed to one of Maggie's teachers. We definitely cannot have a mean rooster here on the farm. It's too stressful to chickens and humans alike!
The two new faces, who, by the way, are very, very tame, are Posie and Poppy.
So, while we were biking....
and kayaking...
swimming, paddle boarding, and floating to our hearts content on this beautiful lake -
at the top of a mountain, making it the highest altitude lake in Pennsylvania....
and staying in a home that felt like a resort...
our wonderful helpers were enjoying a (hot) farm weekend.
Macy brought her rescue dog, Mamma B., and Sammie was in charge of keeping her close.
As for the girls, I think they enjoyed every inch of the farm!
Also seems the animals enjoy their friends who look after them. That a great thing when the animals are comfortable with them being there.
It was a scorcher yesterday and unfortunately I got a bit of burn on my arms and shoulders. Staying out of it today and working in the air conditioned office. Paperwork is not my favorite but has to be done. Wishing you a fantastic 4th of July!
Poppy & Posie ... cute chicks! I see Griz made himself at home on the girls' laps! Too funny that Sammy has Mamma B. on a tether ... too cute!!
And the farm “kiddies” were watched with care.
And now some time to plan for your 4th of July picnic!
While friends do your duties,
So you have some time from the farm...
A pleasant retrieve
We know and believe,
There were no fear nor thoughts of alarm.
For there at your land
Things were under command
Content at both lake and your farm!