Spring Gardening

Yesterday, though cloudy, was the perfect day to tackle some items on my Spring chore list.

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I was going to the local greenhouse for spring flowers.  This early in the season, flower planting is pretty much limited, in our area, to pansies and violas.  Although there are primroses available, I feel that nights get a little too cold for them right now.   It was great fun to walk through the greenhouse and dream.  But, I only ended up bringing these home....

Once back on the farm, I spent a little time in the greenhouse planting some laccinato kale seeds that will be later transferred to the garden.  "Dinosaur" kale has become a favorite of mine.  The leaves are much more tender than typical kale.  This is the type of kale that I planted in our greenhouse for winter consumption, however the leaves take forever to grow with winter's lack of sunny hours.

Normally, this kale grows to look like this:

Next on the list was to do some more planting directly into the garden boxes.  I finished sowing sugar peas, spinach, lettuce, radishes, and half of the onion sets that I am going to plant. 

 The rest (2 more packs)  I plan on planting Saturday when our "Littles" are here to help me.   

Yesterday, Griz was my helper (on my lap as I sat on the edge of the garden boxes.)

I was happy to see that the rhubarb and the violets have emerged.

Also, the saffron crocus is up and looking quite healthy.  These plants will die off over the summer and then re-emerge in the fall.  By early October, I will be able to pluck the saffron from the center of each lavender crocus blossom.  Normally, crocus are spring bloomers, however, saffron crocus blooms only in the autumn.

Most of the items that I use in my fairy gardens have seen better days.  Sunlight and rain takes its toll on these things, and after a couple of years, there is usually no color left on them.  I painted the items that looked the worst.  I didn't take a "before" picture... but imagine "drab".   Here is the "after" photo....

One of our big projects in the coming months is to build some gnome and fairy houses to place in the woods along the Dragon Tree Trail.  This trail, you might remember from last summer, is a winding trail through the woods between our picnic pavilion and our house. 

 I have placed some dragon figures along the trail for the kids to find.  Fairy and gnome houses will be a fun addition.  

I had made this sign, which Hubbs cemented in place at the very beginning of the trail...

At the base of the sign.... a baby dragon, of course!

 I planted most of the violas along the stepping stones to Maven Haven.  In the coming weeks, these and the crocus that I planted last fall will begin to bloom and add some lovely color to this walkway.  I'll be sure to show you when things begin to bloom.

I plucked the early blossoms from the pansies to encourage more growth

 and put them in my flower press to use for some yet-to-be-determined future project.

I took a quick break from the "fun" projects to do a little herd maintenance.  As you can see - everyone is quite muddy right now.

First on the list was Donnie Brasco... the worst of the lot.

There was barely an inch that didn't have a bit of mud attached!

As you can see... no matter where I am around the farm, there is always a cat there to supervise me.  Apparently, supervision is needed!

Another pair of hands would be better, if you ask me!


Louise Stopford said…
You have started your garden projects already and thankfully inspired me to do the same. I just needed the push and motivation to start with seeds and sort the greenhouse out. Thanks for the push. It is almost the law that you have to have a cat to supervise your activities, We have got three and are supervised all the time (unless they are asleep). Love the dragon trail and the sign with the baby dragon at the base. You always have such wonderful creative ideas.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
the dragon trail is just too cool! i scattered 'the 7 deadly sins' plaques throughout my 'woods' for people to find. i have such big plans for this coming season. i fall to sleep each night planning my plantings.
daisy g said…
You might want to try Vates kale, which I grow in the wintertime. It does quite well here in the Piedmont and is delicious! I've even picked it after snowfall.

Spring is definitely showing itself there. The new flowers will be such a treat to plant.

Enjoy your time with the Wee Ones!
Anonymous said…
It is looking great!!
Moggie said…
I always look forward to the fairy garden, and I love the Dragon Trail.

I follow Longwood Gardens on Instagram and today's post was the Caroline Wren, made me think of your little Wren
This N That said…
Looks like you accomplished quite a lot on that never ending list of yours..
Your Faerie garden items look great..Maybe even better than they did when they were brand new..
SO happy that you have so many helpers...The company is always good..
The Dragon Tree Trail just keeps getting better..The kids must love it..
Your flowers look very nice where you have planted them...
Have a wonderful weekend..
aww I love your cats helping you no matter where you are! Aren't you a lucky one! Such beautiful bright colors on the fairy mushrooms and buildings...and the Dragon Trail sign is very cool. A cute or comical type dragon might be a fun thing to hide along the trail somewhere!
It's so great to see you planting things already. The ice will be off of our lake in another week. Things are happening much earlier than usual this year. The loons will even be back! Can't wait! Love your blog and all you do.