Groundhog Day, Again

 Mother Nature served up a snow sandwich this weekend - two slices of blue-skied sunny weather, with a thin filling of snow between them.  

It started snowing Sunday morning during morning chores; and, luckily, the snow that we could have ended up having never materialized.

Instead, an inch was dropped which melted by the time we went out for afternoon chores.  The filling to our sandwich melted before we got a good taste of it!

February has felt, to me, a little like the movie "Groundhog Day"... where every day seems a bit like the day before ( a feeling I guess we are all experiencing this year!). Although there is plenty to keep us busy here on the farm, this February, with its frequent snows keeps us indoors a little more than we like.  

 I may have mentioned before that I have a little bit of a gypsy heart.  Although mostly a homebody, I love heading out to explore the countryside.  In the warmer months, I have frequent adventures on my bike.  But it's way too cold for outdoor biking in the winter, and so I occasionally get a touch of cabin fever.  

To combat this feeling, I have sewed, knitted, baked, painted and cleaned out most every closet and drawer.

All that to say... although I try to never wish any time away... the arrival of Spring will be so very welcomed - for everyone! 

 In the last couple of weeks I made a few dresses and pinafores for spring and summer.  I am happiest in dresses, and the old soul in me gravitates toward long, romantic dresses.  Although dresses are impractical in winter (why?... see below),  they are perfect for the rest of the year. 

You see, the reality of winter is this:

and this:

Sunday morning I wormed the sheep.  

Hope was completely agreeable and took her medicine like a champ.  

Faith, on the other hand, required a bit of work: ie. crawling into her house on my hands and knees with headlamp on my head so that I could see her mouth, which she had hidden from me in the farthest reach of the interior of her house.  Once inside her house, she readily took her worming solution.  Success!

Since I was already on hands and knees, I thought I might as well clean the accumulation of poop from their houses.  Sheep are filthy... yes, adorable, but filthy.  They poop where they sleep.  Who does that?

Yesterday, while the snow fell outside, I finished this Farmhouse Cardigan sweater.

My next knitting project will be this shawl (Zimtstern by Melanie Berg... pattern available on Ravelry)...

(photo copywriter Melanie Berg from Ravelry)
photo courtesy of Ravelry... © Melanie Berg

from this yarn....

I cannot wait to channel all of this energy back into my gardens!

Just in case you need a good movie to watch.  I have two Netflix recommendations:  "Penguin Bloom" and "My Octopus Teacher".  Both are excellent!


Jody in Georgia said…
I was surprised to see you actually sit still watching movies....however decided your hands are undoubtedly busy with knitting while you're watching!! Had to giggle at your antics with the sheep today!
Anonymous said…
Love the sweater......such a pretty color!!!

Haven't seen "Penguin Bloom" but "My Octopus Teacher" is a really beautiful movie. It's definitely worth watching :)
Marcia LaRue said…
The sweater turned out beautifully!
Your rear end sticking out of the Goat House was worthy of a hearty LOL ... LOL
Your pinafores and dresses are so cute ... on you! You really know how to wear them ... not everyone can do that!!
And, too, not everyone has NetFlix ... 😕
Thanks for another lovely visit to BHA!! See you tomorrow!!
This N That said…
Yes, we are supposed to get several snow events this week..Wed in to Thurs is to be plowable..Whoopee..Just when it was fun to walk Mollie again..
Yummy bread!! It tastes as good as it looks..
Cute dresses and pinafores..comfy too, I'll bet.
Your soon to be new shawl is lovely..Nice pattern..Love the colors you have selected..