Good Monday!

Every morning, we reach the barn before or during sun-up.  Every morning, Moonie comes to the fence to say hello.  

Then, he walks to the barn and waits in the doorway to his stall.

 He knows, each morning, that the routine is always the same:  

on goes the UV-blocking fly mask, and then breakfast is served.

Breakfast is definitely Moonie's favorite thing.  

Most of the time when you see photos of him, he is the tall, handsome, blonde behind the Foster Grants.  I thought you might like to see how his eye ended up looking after it healed.  It might give one a start if one wasn't expecting it, but I am getting used to his new look.

Although, I've got to say, every morning as he lowers his head so that I can put his mask over his ears (he's always very accommodating), I experience a tiny bit of sadness in the pit of my stomach.  I fasten the fly mask around his nose and give him a kiss on the nose and whisper "I'm so sorry" to him.  It's the same every morning... and probably always will be.  I know that we did the right thing, but I cannot help feeling sorry that things turned out as they did for Moonie.  The important thing, now, is... to make sure that his remaining eye is kept out of the sunlight.  Luckily, he's pretty good about keeping his mask on.

My sweet, handsome, gentle giant!  I think that the loss of his eye affects me more than it did him, at least emotionally.

We were lucky to have two sunny days this weekend.  

As I was cleaning the dry lot yesterday afternoon, Griz came wandering down through the snow to me. I know he love to ride on my shoulders when I am cleaning up manure, but with all of the snow on the ground it is much harder to lug the manure cart with a cat on my shoulders.  So, I perched him atop the fence post... 

and he followed me like a tight-rope artist as I traveled around the dry lot.

Finally, after weeks of cold, cloudy wash days... there was enough sunshine yesterday to dry my sheets, without them freezing on the line.  To me, there is nothing more delicious than fresh sheets that were dried outdoors.  

Saturday, though sunny, was frigid (so cold that the dogs had to wear coats)

... and was the perfect day for knitting in front of the fire.

I also took a little time to read through this pattern and cut out the pattern pieces.  I am awaiting the arrival of a piece of linen and then I will be sewing this duster.

I tried a new recipe this weekend and may live to regret it, as I am going to have to eat quite a few of these...

Thanks to Joyce at Octoberfarm Blog for the recipe.  Her recipe is for Swedish Cardamom Rolls and she has a great tutorial on how to twist and shape these.  I had no cardamom in the house, so I substituted cinnamon and then glazed them with a butter-cream drizzle instead.  I also added ground nuts for Hubbs (he's quite nutty!)   They are delicious as cinnamon rolls. (Thanks, Joyce!!!)


jaz@octoberfarm said…
you are so welcome my friend....btw...they freeze well so you can stick them in the freezer and just pull a couple out when needed. i know what you mean about moonie. every time i look at him i tear up though i know he is just fine. it's going to be 55 here on wednesday!!!
Marcia LaRue said…
I am surprised that Becky left Moonie's eye socket open ... I "assumed" it would be stitched shut! Well ... he is doing terrific and ... you know ... us Mom's ... we always suffer worse then the patients do! I love that Griz ...
OMG ... those rolls made me drool just looking at them!
We are looking at 2 days of 60° temps here in S. CO but then come Wednesday ... snow! Ah me!!
Enjoy the rest of your day the best way you can!
littlemancat said…
Moonie - beautiful as ever, 'though I would say the same to him every morning too. We love our animal friends so.
And blue skies were so welcome, back to gray and snow this morning. But the temps are going up soon. Yesterday was my first sighting and hearing of red-winged blackbirds over the mini wetlands here. The scout males come first and it is what I think of as Spring soon to be. Love their call,so welcome.
This N That said…
Things turned out OK for Moonie..He's doing just fine and you did what you had to do..Yes, hard on us...better us than him!! He's a gentle giant for sure.
.I love the color of you knitting project
Cute duster..
Those rolls look like one of my favorite Danish..Haven't had one in ages!!
Enjoy this snowy day..Hope it's the last one..although it was beautiful walking in it this AM..Before the salt and the plows that make everything slippery....Hugs
nuri said…
Moonbeam's fur is growing nicely around his eye socket, and it is good to see that everything looks so well healed and healthy. I understand about the "I'm so sorry" and that bit of sadness... However, with time, I hope you can modify these sentiments and, instead, tell still-handsome, still-beautiful Moonie that you are glad you were able to spare him much pain and suffering. Thank goodness he is alive and well and enjoying a wonderful life, still feeling safe and happy in the midst of his herd and with his humans. A smile, a kiss, and "I'm so glad you are well again!" perhaps? For better vibes all around? -- Just a thought, just because I think you shouldn't have to feel even a tiny bit of sadness...
Lizzie said…
That duster coat is exactly the sort of thing I like. I have a duvet cover that I got from a charity shop, in a lovely almost linen look cotton which might just get made into this....

The photos around your farm are lovely.