We have the greatest of great news!!
In a time when it seems like there is more bad news than good,
it's wonderful to be able to share something heartwarming.
Yesterday, three baby ducklings emerged from their eggs.
Meet Huey, Dewey, and Louie
(named by Anna's little girls who are watching over them
right now during the hatching process)
hatched yesterday morning,
and we couldn't be happier!!

If there happens to be a little girl amongst the ducklings,
then I suppose they will be Huey, Dewey, and Louise!
While ducklings were hatching elsewhere, I spent
the morning here at the farm... baking bread.
The dough had risen nicely overnight,
then popped them into Dutch ovens to bake.
Fifty minutes later....
Fresh multi-grain bread.
I am going to have to find people to share loaves of bread with...
because I can hardly wait to bake the next loaf.
Goodness knows, I don't need to eat all of that bread myself!
I have noticed during this strange year of 2020
that I find a lot of comfort in watching YouTube videos of people from
faraway places...
whose lives are different from my own.
I enjoy the sound of their voice and a glimpse into their lives...
during this time when social interaction is minimal in our life.
I filmed a simple video yesterday as we tended to morning chores,
and just chatted as though you were here for a visit.
I am hoping that it provides a little bit of diversion for you today.
Wherever you are... you are not alone... we are all feeling the strain
of the circumstances of this year.
We have hatched many chickens and it never gets old. Happy to see some of the duck eggs hatched.
I would never tire of watching you do chores every morning.
You are a great diversion EVERYDAY!!xoxoxo
Love the ducklings ... so doggone cute! How many more do you think you'll be getting or was it just the 3 eggs?
I absolutely love visiting BHA ... it's like taking a mini vacation every morning!
Love & Hugs from CO
And I wonder if you ever heard of WindowSwap? Just type it in to get to the site - views from windows all over the world. And you can submit your own. It's a wonderful distraction.
The bread looks yummy..Wow..you didn't waste any time..No surprise there ;) Yummm..twas good..
Still no rain..
Good video...I didn't realize that you had painted all of your buildings gray..Looks great..
So thankful for you...hugs