What's So Crabby About A Crabapple?

I am so eager, as many of you are,
to get my garden finished. 
I cannot wait to have all of my tomatoes and peppers planted,
as well as my beans, and cukes, and squashes.
I am thinking that once this weekend's cold front passes through,
I might be able to finish up.

For now, though, I am doing another weeding and getting the soil
ready for the next step.

And this is how we accomplish many of our tasks these days...
with Griz attached to us.

He's the best lap cat there is...
a constant, faithful companion whose only need is to be as close to 
you as is possible.

I sat on the edge of the garden boxes,
with a lap full of purring kitty and happened to glance up
at the upper pastures to see my herd
standing in the closest corner staring a hole through me.

This is their signal that grazing time is over...
that they want to come back to the barn for their chow,
and then take naps.

You'd think they would want to just stay out in the grass all day long.
But, no.
They have a schedule to keep, and napping is definitely on that agenda.

While I ran up to get the horses, I set Griz on the seat of the gator.

Apparently he needed a nap as well.
It's hard work being a love sponge!

In two trips, I had the horses back in their dry lot.
Ponies first,
then these two knuckleheads in my left hand...

and Moonie in my right.

After garden chores, I quick changed clothes
as it had gotten a little warmer and headed up to collect eggs
and feed the goats.
I checked in on O'Malley and Sally.

They seem to have adjusted to life in their own yard.
Both were eager to eat their dinners.

But for some reason, Sally wanted to eat hers out of my hand.


The crab apple trees that line the upper farm lane
are in full bloom.

I fear that we only have yesterday and today to enjoy their beauty.
This weekend's low temps in the 20's will probably
put an end to that.

Here is an update on the shed floor.
The bricks are laid.  Today they get grouted!

This weekend we can start the walls.
It won't be long until I can give you a proper
tour of Maven Haven!

And that wraps up another week of farm fun.
We'll be back again on Monday with an update.
Til then... be safe, be well!
Sending hugs from the farm!!


colleen said…
Sally's way of thanking you for the new living arrangements is eating out of your hand and who could show their appreciation for the care he gets more than Griz. The shed floor came out perfect!! Hopefully the crabapple trees won't take too bad of a beating with the cold coming. It is predicted that we have a measurable amount of snow coming this weekend. I hope this storm takes the chill out of the air and we can get on with spring. See you Monday. xxxx
daisy g said…
That lil' love muffin Grizz. Who wouldathunk it the way he started out hissing at you? ;0D

Do you purchase premixed soil for your boxes, or do you mix your own?
Hoping this is the last of Ole Man Winter for a while.

Enjoy your weekend.
Happy Mother's Day, Bev!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
what a kitty grizz has turned into! i love that floor. i can't wait to see it finished! happy mother's day bev!
anonymous said…
the crab apple tree in bloom are gorgeous!!!!
This N That said…
Griz is very grateful for his rescue..so sweet..Animals seem to thrive on routine and don't mind the least little bit letting you know "it's time." Your trees are beautiful..I would have to cut some of those blossoms...Your floor is gorgeous..What a good job they did...Love it!! Enjoy your weekend and Happy Mothers Day..xxoo
Those animals have you well trained!
Dee J. Hartman said…
Bev, Your animal children are precious, and everything looks so beautiful at your place!! Those crab apple blossoms are gorgeous, and you must be very excited to have the bricks grouted in your Maven Haven! I can't wait to see the end results. It has charm already!
Grace said…
Your Griz and my KiKi could pass for twins :>)