Won't You Join Us?

And so... as they always do,
the rains came to an end.
It will be quite some time before the ground
drys out.  We'll be soggy most of April, I fear.

It remains a little cool here... chilly Spring weather...

but I am anticipating that very soon

we can emerge jacket-less and go about our business
much less encumbered.

There are buds on all of the trees and shrubs,
and we are so excited to see all of the buds on the blueberry bushes.

With the ground as soggy as it is, the equines
remained in their dry lot yesterday.

If the rains stay away, they will be able to spend
the rest of the week with daily time in the pasture...
a welcomed relief to us all.

What is it about Brown Sammie?
If you knew him, you would agree with me that he
is definitely an enigma.

Still, there is something about him... he is a cat whisperer, for sure.
All of the barn kitties just love him... I mean LOVE him!

On the subject of cats... I received a question yesterday as to
who is the cat that was in the indoor photo from this weekend.

This is Ivy cat, our house cat.
And yes, she was a rescue... 
which might explain her ratty looking ears.
She may be small, but she is quite scrappy,
and an excellent mouser.

I am worried about our old turkey, Tom.
He's eleven years old and it seems that his days
may be numbered.

He's just not himself lately,
and we are preparing ourselves for the worst.
It will be hard to lose him.
He came to live on the farm, just hatched, the very
first summer that we lived here full-time.
And he's been our shadow for the past eleven years...
eleven times pardoned from the Thanksgiving table, 
 always eager to be the center of every party 
we've ever had here on the farm.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that perhaps he's just a little
under the weather,
but preparing myself for what I know will ultimately come.
Knowing that he had a most excellent, long life here on the
farm is what balances out the eventual loss.
This is life on the farm.

There's no one so happy to venture out after the rains,
than the chickens.

It's a virtual worm-feast and they are eager to partake!

Won't you please join us for a party today?
Because the corona virus has given us no other options,
we are quietly celebrating here on the farm.
Wear your very best party clothes as we serve tea
and cakes to celebrate a certain Birthday (mine).

Wait a minute... there is still one more guest to arrive.
Mr. Phinneas T. Phoxx is joining us as well.

He's a tiny bit late as he was having his very best jacket tailored
for the event.

Isn't he just the most dapper chap?
I heard a little bunny gossip...
that Clementine Cat is sweet on Mr. Phoxx.
What a fun party this is going to be!
Thanks for joining us.
One lump or two?

I had a most wonderful surprise phone call yesterday.
The shed builder phoned to tell me that my
She-shed is being delivered one week from today!!
Looks like gardening and finishing my shed will be this
Spring's big projects.
Stay tuned!!


Louise Stopford said…
Have a wonderful birthday Bev. Thank you so much for your continued 'tails' on your farm. In such bleak and uncertain times, you have provided a sense of relief and normality and brightened an otherwise gloomy day. Hope Tom is just feeling under the weather, but as you say, what a fabulous life you have given him. Your creative little characters are absolutely adorable. It's an pleasure to drop in on you and a delight.
colleen said…
I love your fabric critters and their clothes. You just amaze me.
Happy Birthday, to you. Jada's fourth Birthday is tomorrow and she would like to join your party...just saying lol.
I can't wait until you get your She-Shed!! I live vicariously through you.
I get lost in your blog and forget what crazy times we are living in and I want to thank you so much for that. take care xxxxx
daisy g said…
Oh my, I can just picture you posing your adorable figures in and around the garden. Too cute!

So exciting about the shed! Can't wait to see it come together!

Blessings to you and yours...
Laurie said…
Sams eyes remind me of my Brady. So brown, beautiful and soulful. Prayers for Tom, maybe it’s just this damp weather. The chickens look like a bouquet of flowers! Happy Birthday! I am the luckiest one to be able to share this day with my very, very best friend! May the sun shine today you you like you make it shine for us everyday! Love you!
Unknown said…
Happy Birth Anniversary! Certainly one you could have never imagined. Enjoy celebrating with all your furry family. Lisa G in TN
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your party with all your very elegantly dressed friends!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
happy corona birthday bev. my daughter had hers yesterday. these will be birthdays to always rememeber!
Karla said…
I absolutely LOVE the tea party attendees!! You are an amazing seamstress. I have been sewing for years but really struggle with making small clothing. About the smallest I've been happy with are teddy bear clothes. But yours are just perfect! I may have to put some more effort into it and try again.

Thank you for sharing!
Karla said…
Happy birthday, Bev! Most likely the strangest birthday. LOVE your bunnies and the fox - the clothing and attention to its detail is delightful! These are some things you can add to your on-line store. Can't wait to see your she shed, and how it evolves. It's so good to have projects at home these days. We await warmer and drier weather here in Illinois. It will be time, soon, the hang the mosquito nets on our gazebo, and be able to sit outside and enjoy our yard. I still love reading your blog, and seeing the pictures! Thanks for our daily dose of joy!
Karla in Illinois
Happy Birthday sweet Bev! May the Lord always keep you in His sights and that He provides a peaceful celebration for you.
Marcia LaRue said…
My goodness, I certainly didn't realize that was that Ivy kitty in yesterday's post! I guess I never noticed ... or saw ... that notch in her ear before!
Bunnies, kitties, and a fancy Phoxx ... what a fantastical menagerie of friends you have created for yourself and ... for us!
May you have a very Happy Birthday surrounded with all your critters great and small!
Love & Hugs from Colorado -- Marcia
This N That said…
Your first blog photo looks very eerie...kinda cool..prison like..It has been wet for sure and judging by the forecast, there will be more showers in our near future....Sammie is a sweetie.what's not to love??Sorry that Tom isn't feeling well...It will be a sad time for sure..Your tea party is darling..I can just imagine the gossip going on there..So cute..Have a Happy Birthday whatever you get in too..Hugs
Kathy said…
A very Happy Birthday,Bev! Continued good health and happiness to you!
Anonymous said…
Happiest birthday wishes to a very special lady.
sheryl said…
Wishing you a very happy birthday - you are certainly celebrating with a very fancy bunch!! they are adorable!!!! I send prayers for Tom in hopes he still has time to enjoy more time on your farm.
Happy, happy, birthday. Your guest are so cute! It is always so difficult when you lose an old friend....even if he is a bird. Our white Banty rooster died 2 weeks ago. We knew he wasn't doing well. He'd sit in the corner and didn't threaten to spur me when entering the chicken yard. He was nearly 8 years old and the nicest rooster we ever had. He'd only threaten to attack but never did. Your Tom is so beautiful and the other turkey will really miss him. Have a blessed day. Patty McDonald
Anonymous said…
Have a Blessed and Beautiful Birthday Bev with your Family and all your Wonderful Farm Friends!!!!I know that you will enjoy your special Tea party with your new cute little Friends! I Love them !

Debbi Saunders
Beachgram said…
Happy Birthday to the sweet keeper of all the animals,
stuffed and real live ones.
Oh gosh....Have a very happy birthday Bev. What a tough time to be having a birthday huh? Sounds like you're making the best of it though....and hopefully by this time next year....all will be well again! Love your blog. May you have many more birthdays!