November Morn

It's hard for me to pick a favorite time of day,
but first thing in the morning is definitely magical.
Everyone awaits our arrival at the barn...
which seems to signal the start of everyone's day.
Sunrises are spectacular... 
full of promise for a day that will unfold in ways we've yet to imagine.

Here is a peek into our morning....

If the above video does not play, please use the following link to access it
via our YouTube channel....

I have been busy making new additions to my Etsy shop,
and my big knitting project is finished.
This was super fun to knit and I am in love with the finished product.
Sadly, I must let it go...
hoping it will find a loving home.
It is currently up for adoption on Etsy.


Louise Stopford said…
Lovely video Bev. I notice the horses and donkeys are getting their woolly winter coats now. I wish I had a chicken run like yours!! Breakfast looks good!!!
littlemancat said…
Well, that was wonderful. Thank you for bringing us along. Later on I will perhaps go back to watch it again - it just makes me feel so peaceful. Have a beautiful day, one and all.
daisy g said…
What a brilliant peek into your lovely mornings. I see Moonie is chomping away at the grass with no restrictions. Your pups are so patient and well-behaved.
Looks like a glorious morning! Enjoy today!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful video!!!
What lovely knitting! And in such autumnal colours!
Lynne said…
Loved the video.
I liked the running dogs and the rider!
And oh my . . . the knit! Very pretty!