There is No Place Like Planet Earth

If you've visited us for some time,
then you will have undoubtedly noticed that I avoid the news, politics, religion
and all subjects that divide us.

That division saddens me.
I have my opinions, and my family will tell you that my opinions are strong ones.
Still... this place is not the platform for those topics.
It is my mission to bring to you a daily escape from those things. 

But, we are friends;
and because we are friends, I must share something that has burdened my heart.

This past Friday, while everyone was still basking in the glow of Thanksgiving memories,
or beginning the rush of the coming Christmas season,
the government released its 2018 Climate Assessment.
This is a report that was compiled by 12 federal agencies and hundreds of scientists,
and it serves us a grim warning.
I urge you to look at it... even if you only read the summary...
or read the section that pertains to the area in which you live.

Life as we know it is changing, and is going to continue to change...

In my opinion, this is the most news-worthy story of our time,
and yet... so much other news supersedes it.
My fear is it will go un-noticed.

My heart is heavy, not because I am afraid for my own future.
But... because I have three "littles" that mean everything to me.
I want to assure that they are left with a world that is inhabitable.
I want them to have a life filled with opportunity and joy, as mine has been.

And though we have only tracked weather patterns over the past 100 years,
scientists have obtained an accurate history of our earth's climate
by drilling bore holes in the polar ice caps and studying the layers
laid there over millions of years.
The most recent previous period of significant global warming 
happened about 56 million years ago,
when volcanic activity caused a release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The resulting increase of 9 to 16 degrees F. in average global temperatures 
caused a mass extinction of plant, animal and sea life.

In comparison, we are releasing at least 1000 times the amount of carbon dioxide
(35.6 billion tons per year), 
than did the volcanoes.
We are predicted to see an increase of up to 11 degrees F. by late century.

One important point is this:
Weather is not Climate,
but climate affects weather.

I have seen a change in my own lifetime.
Living in the Northeast, where historically we had four separate seasons of the year,
it's been evident in the past number of years 
that we are moving in the direction of only having two seasons.
This past year was a good example.
Summer slid into winter... with one brief week of autumn.

No matter what our "beliefs" are,
it is important that we believe what science tells us.
Science is not a philosophical realm, it is the realm of hard, concrete evidence.
Every advancement in technology and health has been made possible by science.
Do you have a cell phone?  Science.
The internet?  Science.
A reliable automobile?  Science.
Medicine?  Science.

Scientists are the hard-working, little recognized heroes of humanity,
who humbly let go of their own beliefs in search of truth,
without whom, we would still remain in the Dark Ages.

They have irrefutable evidence to share with us and we need to listen...
for our own sakes,
but, more importantly for the sake of our children and our children's children.

I am asking you, because you are my friend,
to read the Summary Findings (the whole report is 1600 pages long),
and think about what you can do to make a difference.
There are things that each of us can do...
and most importantly, we can implore our local, state, and federal governments 
to take the steps that are needed to make the changes that are critical.

Ninety-eight percent of climate scientists and these scientific organizations 
(over 200 hundred of them, worldwide)
 endorse the position that global climate change is the direct result of human activity.
I need no more evidence than that.

Although I choose to look at life with positivity and avoid the conflict that plagues this world,
this is a subject I cannot overlook.
Only a radical change in human activity can save this planet for our children.
Hubbs always says,  
"If there is even a one percent chance that what we do could harm our grandchildren, 
shouldn't we do every thing we can to avoid that?"

It is my hope that the kind of smiles we enjoy here every day,
are the kind of smiles that our children's children will also be able to enjoy!
Thank you for letting me share my heart with you.


Karla said…
Bev, one of the reasons I love your blog is precisely because you have kept politics and other divisive issues out of it, and instead, focus on your acre and what you are doing to add light to this world, not heat. It is my belief that if all of us thought and acted in this manner, we could make a difference, as all that we do ripples out to other acres. That was advice given to me 30 years ago, by a woman who was ahead of her time. I believe you are a woman ahead of your time, Bev. You have given all of us a glimpse into a life of intention and consideration for others, animals, and this planet. Thank you.
colleen said…
Bev, thank you so much for sharing this. I am definitely going to check out the links you sent. I have been thinking lately of global warming and the effect it will have on the generation of our grands and greatgrands. What are some of the things you do/don't do to help with this problem? I think a lot of us think... well, what could I do that would make a difference and if we see what others are doing it might help us to start with some small thing that will end up a big thing if we all pitch in... hope this makes sense. I am very happy you brought this to the forefront. xoxoxox
jaz@octoberfarm said…
everyone needs to read and understand this report. look at the difference in climate change in just 30 years. we live with extremes now and as you said, mostly just 2 seasons. and then the report is slipped into the news on black friday. it is all so very frustrating.
littlemancat said…
Thank you for posting this, Bev. The earth is our home and we must care for it for all our sakes.
Sue S. said…
Thank you for sharing this and writing with such eloquence.
An important post. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
If only millions would read this post! Thank you for including the link; the report was in the news but I didn't know how to access it myself. The planet's very existance is at stake--we have been given paradise and have fouled it-- all in the name of profit. Blessings to you for leaving your (and our) comfort zone and doing the hard work of raising awareness. I hope it's not too late.

Eileen in Florida
Anonymous said…
Beautiful post. You write a beautiful cogent "essay" that is based on truth and science. I would add love too, for your family and the people of our planet.

Thank you,
Park City, UT
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your wise words. I have been worried about polluting our beautiful earth since I was a little girl a long, long time ago. Our three adult daughters do not plan to have any children due to the frightening world their offspring could face. A sad thing for them and us.
Your sharing of photos and writing is a pleasure to all of us. Please continue doing what you do and throw in reminders of ways we can be better stewards of our only earth. There is no plan B for the world!
A Perry County neighbor
Anonymous said…
Yes, I fear for our beautiful world, too. Thank you for raising this subject.
Karen said…
Oh yes - I agree with you 100%. The White House released this report when they thought we wouldn't notice much due to the post holiday. It was a slow news day so it DID get a lot of notice. And the President doesn't believe the report - my bet is he didn't even read it - not a word. He has already damaged our environment beyond belief - how can we possible take another two years of this? What a nightmare . . . .
Anonymous said…
Thank you for expressing in detail this important and timely subject.
May we each do our part to help bring about change.
Agent X, not said…
Thank you......just thank you, from my heart to your world.
Thank you so much for this post. There is a big difference, at least in my mind, of being political and being logical and conscious. For all 68 of my years on planet Earth I have been taught to believe in science and, or course, in reality. Now it seems that reality is what constitutes entertainment on television. Unreal. The scientific facts remain. We seem to have a group of bullies in office who believe that facts are not facts, and truth can be argued. What we have lost in the past 2 years will be hard to ever make up. But those people have made millions by deregulating everything they can, and apparently, that is all that matters. I hope many will read these links and understand the tragedy that is occuring around us. Thanks again for this post!
Cindy said…
Thank you for bringing up this VERY important issue! It makes my heart ache that those in power aren't working as hard as they can in the face of all the evidence. And to think our own president doesn't even believe it!
Even though I come to your posts every morning to see your beautiful farm, animals, gardens, crafts and family, I have often thought what your political views are. I have a feeling we just might agree on many things:) Now I'm going to watch last night's Stephen Cobert!
Dee J. Hartman said…
Thank you so much for this informative blog and the warning we all need to consider! I totally agree with this concern!
BTW, your blog also brought me for a few minutes to another thought. This thought was regarding etymology and semantics...You wrote, "I want to assure that they are left with a world that is 'inhabitable'."
I thought, Should Bev have written 'habitable' instead of 'inhabitable.? So I started checking the antonyms and synonyms. and discovered that today these words actually mean the same!
At one time, 'inhabitable' meant 'not habitable,' with the prefix "in"meaning 'not' (i.e., the word "incapable" means "not capable." I am 74 and many things have changed since I was in school!
...So, anyway, in today's world, you were correct to have used the word "Inhabitable!" Therefore, thank you for my English lesson! LOL
Dee J. Hartman said…
BTW, As I reread my comment, I saw punctuation errors! LOL! I need to slow down and proofread before sending messages!
Unknown said…
"The universe doesn't give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions." Go ahead spend the time reading the 1600 pages and lamenting about the dire situation in which we find our planet. OR use your energy to actively change your living style and educate others -"Change begins with me" (Ghandi). Learn ways to decrease your carbon footprint (less meat/meatless consumption, don't buy synthetic clothes, bottled water, refuse plastic bags at the market, etc). MIT did a study (2008) of carbon emissions of Americans and compared them to those of other nations. Est. avg for US resident=20 metric tons! A US homeless person (people w/the lowest energy usage)=8.5 ton, still more than double the world (including US)=4 ton!! I'm probably ranting 'to the choir', but people are reluctant to make changes to their lifestyles. It is easier to pooh-pooh science (not believe) than to give up ease and comfort (work/time/energy/thought). I present myself as a "Minimalist", so then when people ask what it is, my explanation shows my living with purpose and intentionality. I define minimalism as open to interpretation.
Carine said…
Thanks you for drawing attention to a central issue. Personally, I have stopped reading any survey but I asked myself 10 years ago what I could do to help. I like actions:drying clothes on my balcony, recycling everything, buying second hand, taking public transport or walking, and most of all becoming vegan.
An American in Tokyo said…
I love your blog and I love this post reminding us to be more careful with our earth.
Thank you for the wonderful reminder!!