Today is vaccination day on the farm.
EVERYONE is getting vaccinated....dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, sheep, pigs.
(The goats were already done earlier.)
Typically, vaccinations go off without a hitch.
Last year, however... after losing their mama,
Faith and Hope were quite shy, so catching them was a bit dicey.
They've come a long way in a year and are much friendlier now...
so I anticipate no problems from them.
These two, however....
are a whole different story.
For the first several years, Dr. Becky would vaccinate Ginger and MaryAnn
without them even noticing.
Then, last year, they got a little wiser and decided they were having nothing to do with
that process.
Eventually, the deed was done... but not before we humans got filthy and a couple skinned knees.
This year.... it remains to be seen.
I plan on harvesting a bunch of carrots from the garden to keep the pigs busy...
while Dr. Becky vaccinates them from behind.
(Oh, and their skin is tough as pigskin!)
Several weeks ago, Hubbs and I were vaccinated as well...
hepatitis, typhoid, etc... in preparation for an upcoming trip.
hepatitis, typhoid, etc... in preparation for an upcoming trip.
And then, there is this....
We will continue to bring you stories from the farm for the next two weeks...
until we leave on the 15th.
The farm will continue as usual... with folks staying in the farmhouse,
and neighbors helping with the chores.
I doubt we'll even be missed!
Hope the piggies did ok getting vaccinated!
You have it all thought out very well. I know ya'll are going to have a great time.
Happy Labor Day.
The critters will miss you, I'm sure, as will your readers. Safe travels!