Something has shifted.
Can you feel it?
Spring is just around the corner, but if you listen carefully...
you can hear her whispering in your ear...
softly, gently... speaking of that which has been dormant for the long, dark winter months.
The earth is beginning to awaken.
The snowdrops are blooming.
I found these in the woods yesterday and my heart just about burst!
After days of snow and rain, the sun returned to warm things up a bit.
Although I know that we will still have wintry weather in March,
I also know that it is short-lived.
The days are getting longer.
Warmth has returned to the sun's rays.
The birds are once again greeting the morning with song.
You can feel it.
You can smell it.
It's there, just underneath the surface of the soggy ground...
that hum of energy...
life, ready and waiting to burst forth.
Be patient... it won't be long.
We took the dogs for a hike yesterday afternoon.
We walked the woods in search of fairy houses.
Of course we found several.
They were dark inside... the fairies are still asleep (they hibernate in the winter time, you know.)
But, it won't belong before they are buzzing around the forest...
casting their magic down upon flora and fauna and helping Mother Nature to transform
the world.
While hiking, I came upon a fungus that I had never before seen.
I was amazed by how delicate and lacy it was...
with such bold color... but translucent.
I think there are fairies that are dedicated to propagating new and wonderful fungi.
As we hiked the trail, we were aware of a rather large herd of deer traveling
through the woods parallel to us.
They were wary of our presence and maintained their distance...
but for several minutes we could see flashes of their tannish-brown fur and fluffy white tails.
Even the deer have begun their seasonal transformation...
their fur changing from the winter grey color to the brown of spring.
(The last three photos were from our game cameras.)
See what I mean?
The earth is ready...
Spring is eagerly waiting around the corner...
with butterflies of anticipation in her belly...
ready to cast her magic spell...
bringing forth new life...
and loveliness!
Aren't we so very lucky to be able to witness this miracle?
Here in northern Maine we are still under piles of snow but the days are longer and the sun will work its magic and we will see signs of spring before we know it.... welcome signs may I add.
Springtime miracles . . .
Snowdrops and green . . . how wonderful . . .