One thing that we never have a shortage of is feathers.
There are feathers of all sizes, shapes and colors to be found on the ground around the farm.
Right now there are more than the average turkey feathers.
You see it's molting season for the turkeys.
They've lost their tail feathers and a lot of their fluff.
It's a normal part of the life... they do it every year.
But still, for a few weeks, they look a little sad...
and are less prone to puff themselves up and strut about as usual.
It's funny, but they seem to realize that they are not their usual handsomely dressed selves right now.
Yesterday morning we found several piles of feathers laying about...
the tell-tale sign of a chicken attack.
These are the types of feathers we hate to see!
Sadly, Spring brings an up-tick in the predatory attacks.
Predators are raising and feeding their young... so this is a dangerous time for chickens...
especially chickens who refuse to roost in the henhouse.
On a happier note...I found these precious blooms alongside our lane
yesterday as I was doing chores.
Spring is definitely here!
And lastly, I have to tell you the truth about my sheep.
They are lazy.
Yes, they are the laziest sheep I have ever seen.
They have gotten so used to having hay delivered to them,
that they now have no interest in grazing.
I decided that since the grass is coming back in,
I would cut their hay delivery in half.
No longer do I give them their morning flakes, but instead expect them to graze during the day.
Do they graze?
Why no, they just sleep the day away.
Lazy, lazy girls.