The gloomy, damp weather continued through yesterday and into this morning.
Needless to say, the farm is quite muddy.
I had a lot of time to knit yesterday, as Hubbs had shoulder surgery.
I spent the day away from the farm
and finished this....
I started its mate last night.
While leaving the farm and driving out of the driveway the other day,
I happened to notice a grey squirrel making his way up the side of the old log cabin...
in a vertical climb.
Intrigued, I stopped to watch.
Higher and higher he went...until he disappeared under the eaves of the roof.
This all happened before I could get my camera out and focussed.
However, I have recreated the scene for you...
Upon closer inspection I found this....
perfect access to the attic of the log cabin.
That explains the abundance of walnut shells that we constantly find in the cabin.
For years I have wondered how the squirrels found their way inside.
Now, I know.... first hand!
These creatures are quite resourceful!
I might add, too, that our squirrels here on the farm are quite plump!
Hope Hubbs has a quick recovery!
Hope the healing goes well for Mister Beehaven . . .