Celebrating Summer

Summer is here in all her glory.

Long days, warm nights, fireflies, garden goodness, flowers-everywhere-you-look,

thunderstorms, walking-barefoot-in-grass....

so many wonderful things to enjoy!

Yesterday's picture-perfect weather gave us cause to celebrate.
And that's just what we did...

with a special dinner beneath the grape arbor.

With twinkling stars, lights, and our old Mexican star above us,

we sat at a well-dressed picnic table...

candles, fresh flowers, red wine...

we ate our dinner and talked about the day...

soft, sweet music and the tinkling of wind chimes in the background.

To our one side, the gazebo...

with its glass teardrops sparkling in the setting sun...
the scene interrupted momentarily by a visit from Tom and Chuck.

To the other side, the greenhouse flower beds filled with colorful zinnias.

We stayed and enjoyed the moment as long as possible....
certainly longer than if we had just eaten in the house.

The dogs played in the grass beside us,

until we were finished eating, then they lined up for treats.

An ordinary dinner became an extraordinary celebration...
a sweet memory made.

It's easy to make life extraordinary...
and it doesn't "cost" anything.
It just takes a little bit of effort...
a little imagination or  "outside-the-box" thinking.
Try it!

Take your meal outside...
lay a blanket beneath a tree, add some roadside flowers and a candle or two...
and make the ordinary extraordinary!


This N That said…
Awesome..So special!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
what a perfect night! i love that mexican star. and the wine glasses!!! the zinnias are glorious.
An American in Tokyo said…
Unknown said…
good advice! Dates with the spouse are important, even at my age of 65, with 42 years of marriage!
Anonymous said…
what a wonderful way to pause and enjoy the magic of your farm, your animals, flowers and each other! I have that Mexican star - it's out in the potting shed, waiting. Thanks for reminding me ....
Katmom said…
"Lingering".. one of my favorite past times with hubby...
Laura Sudderth said…
Now that is romantic! I am not too sure it would work out so well here in the Sacramento Valley at 110 degrees and everything brown....no it would not be the same as your beautiful setting. Thank you for sharing.
NanaDiana said…
Summer is just so gorgeous at your place. I love it- love that you can linger a bit and enjoy all the special spots you have there. Happy Summer to you- xo Diana
sandra said…
I think I'm drooling??? What a AMAZINGGGG place you have!!!! Think I'll eat outside tonight ;] .
Lynne said…
Very very nice . . .