Then and Now...Throwback Thursday

I thought it might be fun to take a look back to 2010 and see how some of us have changed.

Sam, then....

Sam, now...

Fred, then (on left)....

Fred, now....

Our ducks, then...

Our ducks, now...

The Littles, then...

and now...

Tom and Chuck, then...

Tom and Chuck, now....

Tyler, then...

Tyler, now...

But of course....
you and I have not changed a bit, have we?


WendyFromNY said…
You had a lot of babies that year! Tyler is ADORABLE! Then AND now!
colleen said…
This was so much fun!!
Anke said…
Of course we haven't, we're better than ever! ;-) Incredible what a difference a few years make... I bet Tyler is the light of your life!
This N That said…
That was fun! I think the turkeys are the most amazing. Have a great day.
Junebug said…
Oh how fun to look back! Nope, we haven't changed, ha-ha! That grandson Tyler is a doll! Love those bright shinny eyes. Enjoy! Hugs!!
Carla said…
It's fun to look back. I find the photos of my children to be bittersweet though. I love the adults they're growing into, but I miss the days of their childhood sometimes.
Unknown said…
Heehee....and I don't want to talk about it!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
tom and chuck were so cute! tyler still is!
Katmom said…
luv triping down memory lane,,, and yes, you and I are still Fab-u-lus as ever!
HappyK said…
Oh how fun seeing how they all grew. : )
Ellen in Oregon said…
Love Tyler's little chin as a babe & now with that sweet little dimple in the cleft. Even Chuck & Tom have cute baby pictures.
As for myself, I have not changed a bit...other than those 3 varicose veins that suddenly appeared on my legs yesterday, the grey hair, the need for reading glasses, etc.. Nope! Haven't changed a bit.