Spring is bustin' out all over!!!
The farm is alive with birdsong once again, as all of our feathered friends
have returned.
Daily we hear the songs of the Baltimore Orioles, bluebirds, swallows, woodpeckers,
to name just a very few of so so many....
all of them busy keeping house and making families.
The bunny nest in the garden remains intact and the babies it holds are growing each day.
It's hard to see...but there is a little head with ears popping out of the nest.
I had worried that their Mama had abandoned them, as she is never around.
However, Dr. Becky reassured me...
did you know that Mama bunnies only feed their babies once a day?
The rest of the time they spend in the nest without her.
Fairly soon, I suspect, these little charges will be out on their own.
How was your Mother's Day?
Mine was super! We had four generations in the pavilion
for a make-your-own pizza party.
It was the best kind of day...
spending time with family....
and of course... Tyler!
Tyler and Muppy (Hubb's name courtesy of Tyler) played ball with the dogs.
It was a great day for Annie...getting a little more socialization.
Sam and Oakley have taken to Annie quite wonderfully now...
she's most definitely part of the family!
Garden planting is almost completed.
I will give you a tour later this week.
I'm not quite sure how this happened, but I ended up with over 30 eggplant plants...
started from seed.
I tried a couple of new varieties this year. Hopefully, they do well so I can show you
these unusual veggies!
I see lots of ratatouille in my future!
If you'd like, I could definitely share some eggplant with you!!
Happy Mother's Day, a bit past . . .