No Shortage of Winter Coats Around Here

After several days of what felt like a heatwave
(high temperatures actually reached the 20's)...

we have plummeted back down to almost zero again.

Thank you, very much.

I truly have just not had enough cold yet this winter.

Our snow seems to be disintegrating a little...
rather than melt, however, I think it is just evaporating with this cold, dry air.

I often get questions regarding the state of the animals in this weather.
Luckily, my chicken houses stay toasty warm thanks to heat lamps.

The horses and donkeys don't seem to have fared bad at all with the cold...
they continue to eat their way through it.

The pigs are toasty in their heated stall...
burrowed into a nest of hay.

And the goats?

Well....check out their winter coats.
O'Malley looks more like a sheep than a goat with her wooly coat.

As does her daughter Sally....

and Dot who is busily polishing off the Christmas tree...

Even O'Malley's sons Donald, 

and Fred, who have smoother, hair-like coats have a second layer of wooly warmth beneath.

The goats don't even seem to notice the cold!

We still have enough hay,
and more to be delivered....
so we should make it through this winter just fine.

We'll keep the fireplace burning and a pot of soup on the stove..
so come on, Winter...
bring it on.
Spring is just around the corner
(or maybe the next).


jaz@octoberfarm said…
i can't remember a winter as cold as this?! we are seriously freezing here this morning.
colleen said…
Good Morning. Thanks for the reminder on how cold it is :) I can't believe the coats that the goats have...When I first looked I did think they were sheep. How's the knitting going? I found a good sale on yarn...well let me tell you I stocked up!! Ordered it online and can't wait for it to get here. Well going to make gf zucchini muffins then get the needles warmed up. Nice "chatting" with you over my morning coffee. Have a great day!
Bee Haven Bev said…
Good morning Colleen!!
I hope to finish my striped scarf today...then on to something luscious! Believe it or not, we actually harvest that soft wooly goat coat as they shed it in the Spring. Last year we had it spun into yarn and Amanda knitted a hat with it. I ended up having to line it with fleece...the fiber is really itchy...but warm!! Yummy....zucchini muffins!....enjoy!
Lynne said…
I thought the goat was a sheep too . . . Quite the wooly looking coat they bring on for the winter!
Junebug said…
Burrrrrrrr! I seem to learn something all the time from you. Who would have thought goats were sheep or should I say wooly like sheep? We've warmed up to 40 with a light rain, back to normal! We are so short on moisture that our sky resort have really struggle or not even opened. Stay warm and knit on!! Hugs!!
Abby Frances said…
For someone who hasn't been with your blog very long... how many goats do you have in all? They are all so cute and beautiful!
Bee Haven Bev said…
Seventeen goats....5 are Dwarf Nigerian and the rest are fainting goats. Thanks...we think they are rather cute, also!!

There's a chance of snow down this way! Snow! In Florida! It's the apocalypse.

Glad your babies are snug and warm.
Anonymous said…
Thoroughly enjoy all your photographs, especially the wooly coats on the goats. Thanks for brightening
our days. Was glad to see Maddie with the roosters in a recent post...she's still with you and has a lot of life showing yet. I wrote you about our Sheltie in a similar state as Maddie and lo and behold....he is still with us too. I even took him to the vet to check my sanity for keeping him with us (thinking maybe we were cruel not loving owners). She gave us the go ahead to keep him comfortable and with us a while longer. We go day to day and really just love him up as much as we can.
Unknown said…
It's amazing how animals adapt to the cold...I don't think humans ever do...not me anyway!
Country Gal said…
Oh I love the animals fuzzy winter coats . At least you got a bit of a break from the cold still waiting for that to happen here lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !
colleen said…
I was going to ask you if you could spin it...buuuut...thought that would be a dumb question lol. What is the something luscious after the scarf? I keep going back and looking at the colors in the is so pretty.
Bee Haven Bev said…
I found some absolutely luscious Merino wool...soft as soft can be in a scrumptious blended color...I am going to knit a head wrap (1940's style to it)...I still have to figure out my pattern, but I am planning on putting at least one or two cables in it along with seed stitch, I think. It is then gathered in the front with a small knitted band. Very cute...cannot wait to start. But I have to use the same needles as the the scarf must be finished first!
This N That said…
They really do look like sheep..I like this dry cold with no wind..Just came back from a fifty minute walk with Mollie..When it "warms" up this weekend, it will bring precipitation with it..Hopefully no ice..I can see the edges of snow along the roads receding a bit...Enjoy your week. xxoo
Anonymous said…
Yep, if I had goat hair I wouldn't notice the cold either. I guess their hooves don't feel a thing standing in the snow. Snowing lightly here this evening, and the cold... ooooooh the CCOOOOLD. It's bitter.
HappyK said…
Love seeing the pictures of your animals. They always look so happy and healthy.
I woke up this morning to 12 below zero. We had a high of 4.