As Seen or Heard Around The Farm.....

Chimney goats....
(These are our Nigerian Dwarf goats.  If the fainters tried this maneuver, it would be a disaster!)
Star:  "Hey guys, I see dinner coming!"

Sam: "It's always easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission!"

A meeting of the mindless....
Guineas on fence:  "We suppose you all are wondering why we called you here....
Actually we were wondering why we called you here!"
"Does anyone know why we are here?"

Dot:  "Got Ritz?"

Smoochie:  "Can anyone guess why I am smiling?"
"It's because I am the only goat left on the farm who still has his beard.
What?????? I have no testicles????

Daphne:  "Ahhhh, yes, that's the spot!"

Chloe: "Me, too?"

Have a wonderful weekend!
We hope to see you back here next week for more Tails From the Farm!


jaz@octoberfarm said…
ritz should advertise on your blog. who could show the love of rotz crackers more than dot?
LOL... adorable.

And.. the guineas around here ALWAYS tell us when there is something NEW!!! on the farm!. OH, the noise!

Anke said…
That was a really cute post. :-) Love the meeting of the mindless - I think I've been to some of those. ;-)
Gone Country said…
Love , love, love that photo of Dot! What a cutie pie!
Country Gal said…
Lovely photos ! What hams they all are ! I will be here next week you can rest assured that ! Have a great weekend !
Junebug said…
What characters you have on the farm. There never is lack for entertainment. You are right, I will be here first thing Monday morning for more Tails from the farm!!! Hugs!!
Jennifer said…
Loved the "conversations". Always entertaining.

I'll most definitely be back on Monday. I actually have a twinge of sadness when I do my daily morning blog reading and I forget your "off" on the weekends. Reading your tails are a good way to start the week. Tata for now!
This N That said…
Smoochie is still handsome...I've been to many "meetings of the mindless" in my time..Love it!! Have a great weekend..
Anonymous said…
Your captions certainly do capture their personalities. I love Dot. Such a beauty!
Ellen in Oregon said…
Poor Schmoochie - totally clueless until now. I really surprized that Ritz Crackers has not contacted Dot about becoming one of their spokesgoats. You really should send them note about her obcession with Ritz. Maybe they would send her a years free supply of crackers. I sat and ate half a sleeve myself yesterday. Has Dot ever looked at the calorie per serving on these things!!! I almost had a heart attack when I realized I had consumed a days worth of calories in what I thought was a snack. Don't let Dot know about this because I would hate to spoil her treat time.
Katmom said…
"A meeting of the mindless....
Guineas on fence: "We suppose you all are wondering why we called you here....
Actually we were wondering why we called you here!"
"Does anyone know why we are here?"
OMG!, this had me laughing sooo hard,,,that I nearly piddled my panties! Smoochies comment was a close 2nd! lololol!