You might remember last summer...
I raised two new groups of hens.
The first group were the Frenchies (Cuckoo Maran hens)
who included one orange Polish Crested Rooster named Henri,
and who were moved into the henhouse by the barn at about three months of age.
The second group was a mixed batch of brown egg layers,
who eventually moved into the largest chicken yard up by the goats.
After a week or two of confinement (which is my usual routine),
the hens were allowed to free range all over the farm.
This routine has assured that all hens end up in the appropriate house each evening at dusk.
Except for one.
Just one.
A little red hen, named Ethel, who wandered in search of the dapper young crooner
she heard from across the pastures.
Yes, Ethel took off one day to find her soul mate,
a young gender-confused adolescent rooster named Henri.
His pre-pubescent song like a scratched and warped record
was music to this young hen's ears.
They've been inseparable ever since.
And Ethel has never looked back...
her sisters still pastures away, she spends her days in Henri's company;
her nights roosting with the Frenchies.
She frequents the barn and daily lays her eggs in Ella Bella's bed...
Henri waiting just outside the barn for his sweetheart's return.
They while away the rest of the day scratching in the dirt,
and making plans for the future....
hoping for little red chicklets to complete their family.
(Sadly, the Maven steals all of their eggs and sells them.)
Thanks for all of the well wishes you left for MaryAnn yesterday.
She is feeling so much better.
An examination (not an easy feat with these willful, theatric piggies)
revealed a thumbtack in her poor little foot.
Dr. Becky quickly removed the tack and gave MaryAnn a tetanus shot.
And MaryAnn delivered her very best Oscar-worthy performance.
Take a bow, MaryAnn!
Hopefully in a day or two she will be healed and pain free.
Poor MaryAnn!!
PS.... MaryAnn thinks a Valentine kiss on those little pink piggie lips
would make her feel much better!
Any takers????
Glad that MaryAnn's foot (trotter?) is on the mend.
Kathy from Tasmania
Glad you found out what was wrong so now she can heal.
So sweet, I'd kiss those lips!
What a love cute. Back off Maven...I bet they would make the cutest little babies!
Happy Valentine's Day!
(read THE Crap book yesterday, some of that stuff wasn't so bad was it?)
Carmen and the Primcats
Glad MaryAnn is on the mend. When is her cute piggy tail going to make it to the blog header?
After fishing a mud and poo covered egg out of our run yesterday, that warm (and CLEAN) egg is something I'm jealous of.
Henri is a killer looking rooster with that fluff of feathers on his head.
Bev, you know that if I lived nearby I would be over in a split second for my smooch from Mary Ann! Happy Valentine's Day! :)Meghan