Early mornings are great fun.
When the morning chores are complete,
the gates to the pasture are opened and the horses 
are free to graze and run and play for the day.

Oakley and Sam especially love this time of day.
"Chase" seems to be a favorite game of dog and horse alike.

I captured yesterday's game on video for you to watch.....
click on the number at the bottom right corner of the screen
and change it to 720 p to view in high definition.
(the horses and dogs surely did!)


Lisa said…
That was so neat. I think I need some horses...

Jessica said…
Hi Bev, I'm a long time reader, but rarely a commenter. I love your video! The ponies look so happy running around with the pups.
Sandy said…
That was so much fun to see...they run fast don't they? All seem to just love it. I like how they ran right in front and by the camera at the end. Beautiful horses and dogs. Thanks for sharing Bev!
Junebug said…
I loved the video with the dogs playing chase. I think the dogs need to come to my house and chase me around the field. I am suffering from total lack of exercise and need something to inspire me. I'm sure Oakley and Sam could do it! I'm probably more Hickory's speed though! Thanks again for a fun post!
Ms. Bake-it said…
That was awesome Bev! The horse you showcased has beautiful coloring. It sure looked like they were all having fun! Such exuberance!

~ Tracy
Anonymous said…
looks like harrassment to me...Sam's gonna get kicked in to the next county if he's not careful..nice video..Miss Scarlet has very pretty coloring
Jean Tuthill said…
I really enjoyed the video and called my daughter and I gave her your address so she could watch it, too. She loves horses and farms and I knew she would love it as much as I did! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a very happy Christmas. Your little Grandson is so adorable and will make Christmas even more fun!
Susan said…
Hi Beverly,

Now that's the life. I just love visiting Bee Haven Acres and I love the videos you've started putting in your posts. Wonderfully enjoyable. Thank you so much for sharing you happy world with us,
Susan @ CluckleBees