Please welcome the newest member of the Bee Haven Acres Barn Kitty team......Bobby. This handsome guy came to us today after a phone call from Doctor Becky. It seems one of her clients was elderly and had this cat who was just a little too playful for her. Bobby kept getting under her feet and tripping her, and with Parkinson's syndrome, she was a bit too unsteady to dance around a playful kittie. So, Becky called explaining that Bobby was a very sweet cat who was destined for the Humane Society, and would I like to adopt him? Oh, how could I say no. So I talked with Tom Tom and Ella Bella and they both said that they would give him a chance to join the ranks.
Here he is on arrival...
Bobby is quite a large cat...and he is just about a year old. He looks as though he may have some Maine Coon cat in him, with a very thick and furry tail. He wears a white sock on each of his paws, so maybe the name Bobby is short for Bobby Socks!