Today's stop on our house tour is the 1st floor guest room. I spent months planning this room and shopping auctions and local antique stores for all of the special touches.

Across from the foot of the bed is an antique corner cupboard that had belonged to my mother. It is one of my favorite pieces of furniture and is now home to my collection of vintage bed linens.

Wouldn't you like to come for a visit? If you do, you might want to stay in this room. might want to stay in our 2nd floor guest room. I will feature this room was decorated a bit more masculine.

The bed is an iron antique reproduction and is dressed with vintage white linens. The white crocheted coverlet at the foot of the bed was made by my grandmother many years ago. The rest of the linens are also trimmed in crochet. The chest to the left was a great find at a local auction. Here are some closer looks....

On the wall beside the corner cupboard, a few vintage Christening gowns and bonnet hang.

Another of my favorite pieces is an antique Thomas Edison victrola complete with original records. I rescued this piece from my grandparents' basement about 25 years ago. It works by hand crank and amazingly still works perfectly. On top of the victrola, tea is set complete with lovely faux cupcakes.

I love the iron bed and I love the color of the walls....please share the brand and color name PALeez...:0) Looks like a room where faeries reside!
Hugs, Steph
I do see that there are 2 cupcakes so I guess were bunk-mates!!!