The Fruits of Our Labor

This week marks the official entrance of Summer. After weeks of rain, we are finally in the midst of a warm, dry spell. We have more strawberries than we can possibly use. Finally, our fruit trees and vines will have a warm sun to help them ripen. If all goes well, we should have a great harvest by late summer....nectarinesblueberriescherries (not quite enough for a pie)apples blackberries
raspberries gooseberries pears (not the prettiest) tons of tiny grapes (harvest is quite a ways off)

Growing such a variety of fruit makes for lots of work...but it is worth the work, to be able to pick our own organically grown fruit. Organically grown fruit is quite a many diseases and pests that fruit can succomb to. Sometimes I think luck plays a big part in the harvest....not to mention weather conditions!


Anonymous said…
looks like you'll be very busy harvesting, canning,baking, etc..things look good..cute little mousie..they have to live too
Katmom said…
oh I am so envious! my goosberry bush only has 1 berry & the other one none! oh well, maybe next year! lol!