Frost on the .......

...Strawberries. Unbelievably, our ever-bearing strawberry plants are still producing. I am sure that this will soon come to an end as we have had 4 frost for the last 4 mornings. Old Man Winter is tapping us on the shoulder. Very soon, we will tuck our berry plants under a blanket of straw for the long winter months ahead. But, before that.....just one more taste. Mmmmm, just as good as they were in June!

8:00 AM....and still a little frost on the leaves.


Katmom said…
It's funny, by the end of summer I am mentally ready to put the garden to bed, but then come January & find myself peering through garden/seed catalogs in anticipation of the coming Spring garden!
Nite Nite little strawberries, sleep well.
Shirl said…
Hi, my daughter just sent me your blog to look at. Maddie is so pretty, I have a Newf too, Molly is her name. Come visit when you have time. I have an old pre civil war farmhouse. You can read all about my farm and some really old pics on it on my very first post. Not any farm animals yet. Just dogs and cats.
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Gabriela said…

Strawberries are tough plants!

~ Gabriela ~