Make sure you turn up your volume for this video!
Blubbering is one of the characteristic mating behaviors of bucks. In this video Chip is blubbering at one of our Dwarf Nigerian goats because she is in heat. He spends a good deal of his day walking back and forth along the fence doing just this....blubbering. Poor, frustrated Chip! Following him around is Forrest. Forrest is Chip's son by Jill and sometimes the recipient of Chip's frustration.
Blubbering is one of the characteristic mating behaviors of bucks. In this video Chip is blubbering at one of our Dwarf Nigerian goats because she is in heat. He spends a good deal of his day walking back and forth along the fence doing just this....blubbering. Poor, frustrated Chip! Following him around is Forrest. Forrest is Chip's son by Jill and sometimes the recipient of Chip's frustration.