Summer at the Farm...a pictoral tour

It has been a very busy summer at the farm. The goats are growing and very much at home in their new surroundings. Chip is starting to act like a stud and a few of our girls are ready for Fall mating this year. We should have kids for sale next spring. Here is Princess O'Malley, our chubby, happy girl who will be ready to breed in the Fall of 2008.
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The guinea hens are growing by leaps and bounds (their bodies that is, I don't think their heads have grown a bit...very odd looking birds!)Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket They are living in their new home...the old henhouse. Only four of our chickens remain thanks to the nearby predators. They are spending most of their days in their chicken yard instead of free ranging all over the farm....too much freedom seems to be a bad thing in this case.

The garden is amazing this year. Every day brings a bountiful harvest and we have been canning and pickling non stop for a few weeks. Here is an example of one day's harvest...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I thought I would take a little time to give you all a tour of the farm and the farmhouse. This first slide show contains images from around the farmhouse....

The barn is constantly a flurry of activity with Moonbeam, our new Haflinger, and the rest of the boys. Moonbeam has settled in nicely and is proving to be quite a good addition to the barn. He is about the sweetest natured horse ever and truly a joy to ride! He's a keeper!
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Here are some more pictures from around the will see the guest house, the old chicken house (where the guineas live), the orchard, the barn and some of the pastures...

And finally a little slideshow from the arena. In these pictures you will see me on Moonbeam, Becky on Fagner, and Mike on Briggs...


Aunt Jenny said…
Beautiful pics!!
You are so right..guineas are so funny looking! My grandpa used to raise them. I have never had any myself.
I loved seeing your farm pics..and wow..your garden is sure doing great. Mine will be awhile still for harvesting..just got my first ripe zuchinni today..besides salad greens and broccoli that is all we have been able to harvest so far..oh..and a few banana peppers..but we get busy the end of August..we have to start late here.
I enjoy your blog so much!!!
What great pictures and slide shows. Thanks for taking me on the tour. You have a wonderful place there. Your garden is producing well...ours is really just starting. I've picked several zucchinis already and the tomatoes are just starting to ripen.
What a nice watermelon!! Mine got in late and are just now starting to flower only. I hope we can get at least one for the children to enjoy.

Have agreat day!

P.S. Mo is such a beautiful horse. I love seeing the pictures of him
Beautiful pictures! I feel just like I visited your farm.