Days start early on the farm. At least one of us gets to see the wondrous pre-dawn sky, while taking the horses up to the pasture.
It is so unusual at this time of year to experience mornings in the 50's. Personally, I love it - it reminds me that autumn is around the corner. My heart beats just a little stronger in the autumn - it's my favorite (that is until the end of winter and spring is just around the corner - then, that's my favorite! I'm fickle, like that!)
The thing is... each season has its blessings. And, I'm not quite ready to trade this...
for the blessings of autumn - not quite yet. For now, I will let August be August, and enjoy that which only this particular month can deliver. It's always good to remind oneself that tomorrow might not come - so enjoy today while it is here!
I love the rhythm of life these days... the unhurried mornings tending to chores. It's satisfying work - tending to the needs of the animals that we cherish.
You might notice that Moonie always takes the high road!
And Forrest is usually always on his heels.
Moonie couldn't care less.
With the equines squared away, we head up to the chicken house. I was surprised to find this gal roosting in the upper house with the teenagers.
When queried, she replied:
"Those kids kept me up all night!"
"And they don't know the first thing about good gossip!"
(Hens prefer their gossip to be a little on the saucy side.)
Our last chore of the morning is to dump the night's accumulation of equine and chicken manure on the compost piles. This gives me the opportunity to check on all of my pumpkin babies! The vines keep growing and producing more flowers.
And the pumpkin babies are growing beautifully! There are so, so many!
I cannot wait to harvest our own array of pumpkins. Warty pumpkins are one of my favorites!
Yesterday morning, we finished picking our ripe peaches.
We enjoyed the teaser!
Love seeing your pumpkins, warty ones too!
Enjoy your bike rides . . .
I love the long view of your country roads, wishing I could be on them myself!
We are heading back into the 90s for about a week or so and then ... we are on the downhill side leading into the Fall! Winter will be here all too soon!
Wish I had some of your energy!
Hope you put a note on your calendar to order Ambrosia Cantaloupe seed for next year. You'll be glad you did.
I think Moonie is taking the shortcut ??
Love the chicken shots!!
Wow! That's a lot of pumpkins. Won't you have fun decorating with them?
Peach picking looks like it could be hard on your back.
Unicorn...only you.. xxoo