Saying Goodbye to Hope

 There's one thing for certain - farm life keeps us well aware of the circle of life and all of the impermanence that accompanies it.

Yesterday morning, during morning chores, Hubbs found that our white sheepy girl, Hope, had died during the night.  She had been a little lack-luster about treats the previous day, but that was seriously the only indicator that she might be "off".  We didn't worry too much, because Hope was often fickle about treats.

And even if we had been worried, we would have taken the "wait and see" approach for a couple of days, as Hope was in no distress that we could see.  She had gone out into the pasture and grazed as normal, so we assumed all was well.

But, apparently, all was not well.  The thing is... there is no way to tell what it is that got her.  It's not like there is anyone around to do an autopsy on a sheep.  It did not appear as though she suffered at all.  She was merely lying on the ground as if asleep.

Although I have learned to accept the passing of our animals, it is never easy.  Hope will be missed, for sure - by us, but especially by her sister, Faith.

Hubbs allowed both the pigs and Faith to see and smell Hope's body.  I truly believe that animals understand death. 

 I also believe that they grieve.  

Faith spent much of the day bleating - I assume she was calling for Hope.  These two sheep have never been apart since the moment of their birth.  What a change this will be for Faith.

Eventually, she ended up in the pig house with the pigs.  

Luckily, their yard adjoin (our plan, knowing that eventually one of these two pairs would lose its sister and that the other two would be company.)

From here out, we will leave the gate between the sheep and pig yard open so that Faith can spend as much time with the pigs as she needs.

It seems like just yesterday our sweet Hope was a tiny lamb.

How small and adorable she was!  

Rest In Peace, dear Hope.  We will miss seeing your sweet face each day.  Some day I hope to see you again on our big farm in Heaven.

As I visited with Faith and the pigs, two of the barn cats joined us as well. 

 Pete gave MaryAnn her daily cat scan and came to the conclusion that she's in fine shape.

He had a fascination with her piggy ears. 

Pete, whispering in MaryAnn's ear,"Pssssst... wanna hear a joke?" 

"Why should you never share a bed with a pig?  They hog all the covers!"

Why shouldn't you tell as secret to a pig?

It might squeal!

I had to leave you with a smile.  Losing our beloved animals is hard and I know it is sad for you as well, as many of you feel like farm family after all of these years.  I find peace in knowing that for as long as we have our animal friends, they live their very best lives in peace and tranquility here - spoiled and happy in our little slice of heaven on earth.


colleen said…
Dang, I get so emotional when one of your animals are sick or passes away. I immediately thought of Faith and that made it worse. I was so happy to see that Faith went to the pig's house. That was smart to be thinking ahead so the lone pig or sheep would have the other to keep them company. RIP, sweet Hope.
So sorry for your loss xoxoxo
jaz@octoberfarm said…
oh no! poor faith. i am so glad she has the pigs. how old are they?
daisy g said…
I echo everything that Colleen said. I am crying for the ones left behind who must go on without her. May God bless and keep you all...
Joyce M said…
Ahhh… this news made me cry…
Your blog has been the first thing I read every morning for years. Could it be even more than a decade? In any case, I have learned, loved, laughed, been inspired, and cried from your wisdom, insights and posts. This one got to me. Losing Hope though isn’t losing hope…it is a reminder of the rhythm of life and to be sure to live each day to its fullest. Sending hugs!!
Unknown said…
So sorry to read about Hope's passing. My heart aches for Faith, but I know that she is in good company and will be well loved by you and Jack.
Sally said…
Oh your news about Hope made me cry. May God be with you and your fur kids at this difficult time.Blessings .
SusieK said…
We had our 18 year old terrior mix groomed and our daughter took her for a pup cup and a visit to the dog park. She had quit eating and drinking and had difficulty walking and laying down. The vet said she was letting us know it was time. I have Covid so my daughter took her in and let her fly away. Later my friend called to let me know her Mama had passed. I told her our Maggie got all cleaned up to walk her Mama to the Pearly Gates. Both Hope, Maggie and Kayes Mama will be sorely missed.
Marcia LaRue said…
First thing out of the gate (bed) this morning, reading about your dear Hope! Just a few weeks ago, we were afraid MaryAnn wasn't going to make it!
The circle of life just keeps going on and everything and everyone will eventually be taken!
Take a breath and move on and continue to love and care for all in your care! ❤
So sorry for you and Faith. This brought on the tears. Sadness seems to be for those left behind.
I am glad Faith will have the company of Ginger and MaryAnn, but it won't be the same for her. I'm such a crybaby when it comes to animals.
Thank you for the smiles at the end of your post.
Ann said…
Grieving with you all with tears in my eyes as I read. Even contemplating the prospect of losing our animals brings me to tears. Each loss brings back all the previous ones, if not consciously, then somewhere deep in our bodies.

Holding this loss with you and the love you had and still have for Hope. And for those left behind which, for me, can be even harder. Bless your hearts, one and all.
Unknown said…
I am sorry for your loss.
Jeannie said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds as though Hope went gently into that good night. I hope Faith will find comfort with her farm family.
The JR said…
Aw, I really am sorry for your loss.
I'm glad Faith has your sweet piggy girls to give her support from losing Hope.

I know animals grieve, we almost lost Sniff when Sonny passed. If we had not incorporated him in with the other horses, he would have died.

Warm thoughts to you both. Take care,
Junebug said…
Oh how we all love your farm animals! Loosing Hope touches us all, but so glad Faith continues to have friends. Just an extra hugs to you this morning.
littlemancat said…
I'm so saddened by this,especially for Faith. How confused she must feel. Thank goodness for her piggy pals - comfort and company for her.
All teary,
Karen said…
We've had so many goodbyes in our family (the four-footed kind:) . . . I said to our vet that made a house call that it never gets easier (she was putting down one of our beloved dogs) and she said, 'it's not supposed to". She was so loving and caring. Our family sends our loving thoughts to your family - I loved seeing your 'gals' get their treats everyday:) xxoxoxoxo
This N That said…
Such a ssd time ....Sorry for Faith and the rest of Hopes farm family...Tears shed of course..It's so hard to lose a pet...and she was a pet!! xxoo
Tracy said…
Hugz,, yes, your 'family', both fur and feathers, get to live their best lives on BHA...
Oh dear....what a shock to lose Hope. I don't even know how long sheep usually live but I guess I thought she'd be around with her sister for a long time yet. Guess you just never know. I know she lived a happy life at your place though and that's a comfort. I'm so sad for Faith now, but glad she likes the companionship of the pigs. So glad your sweet animals care for each other. so sad to hear this news. Take care.
Anonymous said…
I remember when you picked them up! You gave her the best life. I am sorry for your loss. Marcia
Mimi of Five said…
So sorry for your loss. It hurts my heart for anyone to lose any animal. Guess I'm just an emotional girl. I am so glad Faith has the pigs to lean on and buddy up with.
I just experienced this myself...but because it was after-hours, I couldn't find an on-call vet was heartbreaking and upsetting.

It's a part of farm life, but still, I know how much losing an animal hurts, they really are a part of the family. And yes, so glad to hear Faith has Ginger & Mary Ann to spend time with.
Ugh.. that's exactly what my family tells me when we lose one of the animals on our farm, "Mom, he/she had the very best life.". And I know we try our best. It's just so sad to see them go.
Meghan Grace said…
+I am so sad the hear of her passing. I am relieved to know that it was peaceful though. I remember how my kitty catterwalled and searched for our dog for two weeks after Coco passed. We were all mourning. Rest well, sweet lamb!
Anonymous said…
I am very sorry for your loss. Sheep have always been my favorite barnyard animal-- so placid and willing to go along with the crowd- they're just born followers. She will be missed. Maybe not right away, but I hope you will consider adding more farm friends to the group. Your farm is a perfect, loving home to those lucky enough to live with you.
Lynne said…
Sweet and sad . . .
Circle of life.
Even so, this finds me sitting more with sad . . .
Hope was part of the whole picture.
Now I am thinking of her in a new way.
Agent X, not said…
Not much to say that doesn't echo the prior comments... I am certain animals grieve, maybe in a different way that do we. A loss is a loss, no matter how it is felt. Virtual hugs from Texas. Peace be with all.