Flowers, Weeds, Babies, and Beards

Happy June!

 If you are anything like me, then the sight of all this spectacular growth and color are nothing short of thrilling!

Every morning, as I make my rounds to water the plants at the she shed, I am almost overcome with joy by the sunny faces that greet me there.

There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing ones plans and efforts come to life.

Sometimes the end result is even better than imagined.

We are in the midst a week of spectacular sunny weather.   The mornings start out cool, so the horses spend a few hours out in the pasture.  

As they happily graze, I check in on all of the gardens.  The double peonies have opened now, 

so I cut an early morning ant-free bouquet for the kitchen counter.  There will be fresh, home grown flowers here until the first frost of autumn.

There is one last garden that I have not shown you.  You've seen carefully photographed corners of it... like this...

and this...

and this...

and this...

And then it occurred to me that everything growing in this weedy garden is either blue or purple.

I cannot bring myself to photograph the garden in its entirety, however - I fear you'd faint from the sight of so many weeds!  Seriously!  This garden has a problem that I dread tackling.  So, for now, I am ignoring it and just enjoying the blossoms that I find neatly tucked between millions of weeds!

I found this little sign for our wild patch of property.  I thought it fitting. (btw, I love signs!)

Last evening on my way home from Easton's T-ball game,

I passed a herd of "breeding" horses that are being kept on a local farm.  The owner of the herd leases land from local farmers as grazing land.  (Look closely at all the foals that have been born!)

 These horses have been on this particular farm for much of the past year.  Last year they were on a different local farm.

I love this time of year when the herd has new foals.

I hope to get back to take some photos with the "good" camera one of these days.

Speaking of babies... look how big we are getting!

To those of you who have missed "The Bearded One's" comments these past few weeks, I had word from his niece that he is doing just fine.  But, his internet has been out for almost a month.  Then, yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from Mr. Beard himself.  He was touched that there were farm friends inquiring about him.  What a caring community we have here... thank you, for that!


This N That said…
Another sunny beautiful day until it gets too hot to be beautiful! Love your flowers! Such a variety. Glad Mr Beard is OK. Got to love our Blogger community… I would love to meet a lot of these people but I guess it’s supposed to be the way it is. Enjoy your day.. Hugs
Weeds or no your gardens are gorgeous! I love seeing all the new babies. You are in a beautiful spot for great weather and temps. It has really warmed here this week and we are heading into the high 80s by the end of the week. I thought Ohio was more like the northeast when it came to weather. Don't really know why I thought that!
Your little haven sure is beautiful. I'm afraid I'd spend much of my time there if I had one. Enjoy this beautiful day!

Glad to hear the Bearded One is well and just has had a bump in the road with his internet.
Lynne said…
This post pictures and reads of a Full Life!
I always enjoy my visits . . .
Has the “Haven” door always been that green?
I LOVE it . ..
And the blue Iris, the foals, bee paradise, Easton and T-ball
and more . . .
Happy days in the month of June! ❤️
Dee J. Hartman said…
Bees love weeds, and so do I
They have their purpose, (can't deny!)
I'll even pick a nice array
to bring inside for small bouquet.
Do not fret if I see yours,
'cause I have them too, by scores and scores!

When I look at your lovely blooms,
To me, they are like earth's heirlooms!
Your farm/home is truly divine
Its beauty is so very fine.
Your words, your pics, I love so much!
Thank you, Bev, for your sweet touch!

Tracy said…
What a treat to see the foals with the mamas. Always love the flower pics too!The t ball game is so cute. Lovely all
Junebug said…
Weeds, Ha,ha! I swear that is what I and growing everywhere in my yard and garden. We had such a wet and cold Spring that they have thrived. Love your peonies, mine are late this year! Here's to improved weather!
Mimi of Five said…
To anyone interested as our big family is always inclined to accept another "member" into our fold, our yearly family reunion is the second Saturday in June and anyone is always welcome. The only requirement is that you bring a covered dish. The local motel even offers a discount on your reservation if you indicate that you will be attending our family reunion. If you are in the Middle Tennessee area and are interested, please feel free to drop me an email. In the subject please put Hudgins Reunion. We would love to have any and all.
Jody in Georgia said…

So glad Mr. Beard is okay. Loved Dee Hartman's poem above. Summer is definitely here in Georgia - the spring blooms are gone and the summer flowers are showing up. As usual, love your blog every day. Blessings be to you and yours.

Melinda said…
Very Very Beautiful! Reminds me of my Texas spring. Sadly it is long over for us. Sunny, Hot, Humid. The spring flowers will return next year!💙
Anonymous said…
I like the anonymous nature of Blogs, but was so touched that this community missed a member when he was MIA. The comments and messages share just enough to give a hint of a person's philosophy of life and their personalities, but is not overly familiar or intrusive. (Can you tell I'm an introvert? - That's why I love animals I guess.) Bloggers remind me of pen pals so popular when I was a girl: sometimes lifelong friendships developed and sometimes it was just casual banter.) It's an added bonus when I learn something new or view a lifestyle like farm life that I'd never experience otherwise. (I do however skip over the animal's squeamish medical issues.) So thank you Bev, Hubs, and all the farm friends for this bright spot on the Internet.
Oh so many beautiful pictures on your post today, Bev. Always love your flowers.....I can almost smell those gorgeous peonies from here! And that blue colors! Your Maven Haven looks wonderful with all the flowers sprouting up around it .... and I love the pics of all the babies. Thanks for the news about Mr. Beard. Hope he's able to get back on the internet soon. Love your blog, Bev! Thank you!
Just a note to Mimi of're so sweet. Thanks for the invitation to the reunion....sounds so fun....wish I lived closer! Say hi to your Uncle for us!
Leslye said…
So beautiful the landscape and the people on this blog!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear the Bearded One is well. We do get attached to each other don't we? I hope all of you are enjoying glorious weather.
Thursday: Hope all is well with you and yours Bev. You're M.I.A. today.
We miss you!!!