Spring is here,
and I can confidently say, now, that there is no going back.
Today we say goodbye to April.
She started out a little crazy, but ended up quite lovely.
Every spring there are more and more jonquils in our front pasture...
of every type and color...
and I didn't plant a single one of them.
(They must be very old.)
Everywhere I look flowers emerge...
Violets and wild strawberries...
Blossoms on the flowering quince...
The apple orchard...
(with two somewhat naked sheep resting in the back)
I completed the first official mowing of the season this weekend.
No chore is ever done in solitude,
there is always company.
Turkeys in the tractor garage...
ok, guys, if you are going to just stand there loitering... grab a mower!
Guineas following the mower...
providing comic relief...
I worked in the garden as well...
weeding the red raspberry patch.
I planted four red raspberry plants last summer and they did very well in this location.
You can see them in the upper right corner of this photo.
They were originally a single stem and now they are bushes
and have sent several small shoots up around them.
This weekend I added 6 more plants.
I learned last year to not mix your berry plants.
Keep your raspberry and your blackberry patches separate.
With adequate rain, we should have a great berry harvest this year.
Without adequate rain, I will have to do a lot of watering.
Hubbs and I had several adventures this weekend.
On Friday we drove into the country to a concrete lawn ornament maker.
I was in search of a rabbit and some mushrooms.
I found both.
To top it off... everything was unbelievably inexpensive!
The sixty-pound toadstool stool on the left was only $20 (tax included)!
It's sturdy enough to hold any adult.
The morel mushroom was a steal at $8.
I finished off this fairy garden with the mushrooms I made...
The only thing left to do is to harvest a slab of moss from the woods
for the gypsy wagon to rest upon.
(otherwise, it sinks into the soil beneath it)
Saturday morning we visited this Arts Festival in Lewisburg, PA.
(Home of Bucknell University)
It is one of my favorite small towns, locally.
It is a quaint college town filled with adorable shops, coffee shops, and restaurants.
My find at the Arts Fest was this clay garlic keeper.
(Pottery stands are my favorite.)
Arts Festivals give us the opportunity to support artisans
who put so much time and effort into creating unique and beautiful treasures.
And really like the (art piece) garlic keeper.
Those mushrooms are so whimsical! What a great job you did on the fairy gardens.
Sounds like a lovely way to spend some quality time with Hubbs. I take it he is fully recovered?
We are the fairies who live at Patsy's home in old stumps in the front and back yards. She is very good to us and brings us all kind of cakes and treats. We want to thank you for our visit last year and we had such a good time. We see from the pictures that things have been added to the Fairy Garden and we want to visit again this year if you will have us. It takes us awhile to get there coming from Illinois and we have to carry our satchels with us so we rest from time to time.
It will be this summer before we can get there for a visit. Your biscuits and tea were lovely last year and we thank you for that.
My name is Peony and my sister's names are Clematis, Hyacinth and Holly Hock. My brother's are Spruce, River, Galaxy and Morel. Everyone in our village is named after living things. There are quite a few of us but not everyone can come for a visit. Some have to stay back to take care of the homestead.
So we hope we will see you in a couple of months. Thank you.