Yesterday took me away from the farm.
I donned my scrubs and spent part of the day wearing my nursing "hat"....
but not before I spent a little time with the little pink fairy.
I kept Mackenzie for an hour so that her Mommy could run some errands.
We played on the floor until fatigue overcame us...
there's nothing sweeter than a baby napping in your arms!
This little girl has definitely found her smile...and is quite happy to share it!
Meanwhile back at the farm,
the Lucilles were continuing my gardening efforts.
There is nothing in the world more efficient at cultivating the soil
that a bevy of hens.
They can sweep through a garden and decimate it in no time flat.
If only they could be trained to get rid of the weeds and not the vegetables.
I am actually considering opening the big fence and just letting them all in.
Not really...
no, I prefer a more systematic and controlled approach to gardening.
And believe me, there is nothing controlled about a chicken in a garden!
Right, Roy Boy?
We used to have roosters and chickens but the Roosters would kill the chickens . Did you ever have that? I wonder why they did that?
We even got rats inside and a big fat skunk would go in get the egg. And I would see Mr. Skunk rolling the egg across to the neighbors yard. Then he would come back and forth. Well I was not going to argue with a skunk. Who would. He was smart to do that.
We had brown eggs. I like the brown eggs. Some people think brown eggs. Yuks. They taste just as well as white eggs.