With all the St. Patty's partying we have had around here this week,
you might be inclined to think that these fellows are dancing an Irish jig.
Unfortunately, this is nothing quite as friendly as a Riverdance.
No, this is raging testosterone and the arrival of Spring.
I hate these rooster duels....
and I hate breaking them up even more,
but it is necessary before things escalate to the point that someone gets hurt.
And so, after discouraging this nasty behavior....
one gives up and leaves the yard.
Whew! That was rather ugly, and I am glad it's over!
The sun is actually warm these days...
warm enough to make Ginger and MaryAnn want to spend time out in their yard.
They search and search for some green grass to eat.
It won't be long...
Soon, very soon, girls, you can graze the days away!
I checked in on the greenhouse and look what I found...
all kinds....
pushing their way towards the sun.
Isn't it an absolute miracle how a tiny seed can turn into green life...
pushing sunward, growing daily...
eventually transforming into something that nourishes our bodies.
For now, I think these seedlings nourish my soul.
They signify the end of a long hard winter,
give me hope and remind me just how amazing our world is!
Annie v.