What Happened to Summer?

I have to tell you...
it's been a weird summer!

The weirdest (although I am not complaining one bit) weather I have experienced
in all of my life has been ours all summer long.
Cooler than normal temps with more than average rainfall has 
made this summer spectacular.

I swear we have had only one really hot week.
It's been great for the electric bill, as we have not had to use the air conditioning.

And now, in the middle of August, when we should be at our hottest,
the days have been in the 70's and the nights in the low 50's.
(Actually, last night was even colder than that!  
I am out doing morning chores in sweatshirt(s)!)

How about your summer?
Have you had unusual weather this summer, too?

Although the extra rainfall has helped tons of weeds to grow in the garden,
pulling them is not so bad when the weather is as cool as it is.

I spent several hours in the garden yesterday afternoon and evening doing just that...
pulling weeds!

With my trusty friends...



and Moll to keep me company,

I filled the back of the gator twice with weeds pulled from the garden aisles
and "spent" plants removed from the boxes.

It feels like Autumn is just a breath away.
The tomato plants still have more fruits to ripen; but the plants themselves
look like they do in September.

I've planted fall veggies.
Broccoli plants will grow over the next two months....

as well as carrots, beets, spinach and lettuce.

Kale, peppers, cucumbers, chard and squashes continue to produce...
giving us ample harvested goodness to fill our table.

The sunflowers have grown so large that their heads hang down to their knees.
Once dry, they will be food for the birds.

I found this fellow in the garden...
it's the first praying mantis that appears to actually be praying!
(I think he might be asking for a warm place to sleep on these cold nights.)

Our hayfield is cut and drying.  Breezy afternoons have helped the hay to dry.
Today we will be raking and tedding the hay.
Hopefully tomorrow we bale it and stow it in the barn for winter.
Keep your fingers crossed!

I am happy to show you that Ollie, after having been bathed on Tuesday,
remains clean and white.

This afternoon will be Red's turn for a bath.

There is no one happier with this summer's weather than Ginger...

and MaryAnn!

Pigs do not tolerate heat well.
This summer has been very piggly perfect!!


Stephane said…
Our weather has been unusual as well. We are in the midst of a drought yet for the last two weeks or so we've had more rain, resulting in flooding in both Springs, washed out roads here in the country. And the weeds just keep growing. Not much grass in the pastures tho.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
i am LOVING this weather. it is in the upper 40's this morning. but summer is on the way back. we should have beautiful fall colors with all the rain we have had. this has been perfect weather. maybe i am part pig because i am right there with ginger and mary ann...i hate hot weather!
Lynne said…
We in Michigan are experiencing weather much like yours. Although we did have a few weeks which stretched into hot and steamy. Yesterday it was 42, cool again this morning. I am loving the weather though, . . . my preference. Seventy during the day, no humidity, cool at night . . . perfect!

I certainly don't maintain the volume of gardens and flowers, plus animals like you yet I too have found this to be an exceptional time to be outdoors to be weeding, cleaning, sorting. Soon I will begin my ritual of digging up and splitting things to relocate or give to friends.

I am off to the Farmer's Market to purchase some veggies and fruits like those you find plentiful at Bee Haven. My camera is with me . . .
vlb5757 said…
The last two days here have been perfect. It's a reminder for what's about to come and I am so ready! I love your sunflowers and that you have bees on them. I think next year I am digging up a section of day lillies and plant sunflowers. I want more bees in my garden and that might be one more good step.
Unknown said…
Our weather has been unusually hot here on the Mississippi Coast. The waters of the Gulf are at least 5 degrees above average, and now we are watching to tropical waves. Just a typical August in paradise!
Unknown said…
Our weather has been unusually hot here on the Mississippi Coast. The waters of the Gulf are at least 5 degrees above average, and now we are watching to tropical waves. Just a typical August in paradise!
Gayle from Oklahoma! said…
After three years of drought in Oklahoma and 113 degree days our summer has been a blessing! Except that the midwest and plain states are having a lot of flooding. But this morning it is 62 degrees and beautiful. I'm headed out to work in the gardens, the weeds are taking over the paths. Last year I mowed once or twice a month, this year I'm mowing weekly, inbetween rain storms!
Junebug said…
I have to join in with unusual weather also. We have been dry, dry, dry. Yes, this is Oregon, I didn't move. My yard hasn't seen rain since the end of June, not normal! I'll admit I've enjoyed every ray of sunshine but my water company has enjoyed me paying high water bills also. Best get moving for I have to water before heading out to work!! Hugs
Country Gal said…
Wonderful photos ! Yes our summer has been pretty much the same as yours . This morning was cool but as the sun is shining a bit of humidity is coming back , August is also our hottest month but not this year so far ! Fall like weather more like ! I do enjoy it though and so do our animals , birds , critters and plants ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !
Anonymous said…
here in Ct the weather has been the same as yours. One week of extreme heat the rest just so so..

Annie v.
Same weather here in Connecticut.. weird, but glorious! It feels like falls is already announcing it's arrival!

Unknown said…
We did and continue to have unusual weather. Soooooooo wet that most of my veggies drowned! In fact I can't remember the last time I walked through my front yard and had dry feet afterwards. Even when the sun is out it doesn't dry before it rains again. Today when I went across the street at work to get lunch it was not quite/almost raining but the wind was also blowing and it was actually chilly. Just crazy stuff down here in Georgia!
This N That said…
We're only an hour away but have missed most of the rain until recently and this summer has been very humid..My air conditioning has been running all summer..So ..lucky you..I wish we had gotten more rain but I'll be happy with what we got..This week has been beautiful..Windows open at night and the house stays cool enough during the day so the air has been off..I hope it stays dry for a few more days so you can get the hay in..Sorry I've been so long winded..Hugs
Kris said…
Just about everyone is talking about how their summer has been so much cooler than usual. It has been delightful! But today we are into the triple digits, and I know that the next six weeks will be long and hot!!!!
Your garden and farm look beautiful!!!
xo Kris
Susie said…
Everything looks so nice around your place. We are having the sweetest weather ever this week. I absolutely love it. I love when we do not have to have the heat or AC on. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Today it is raining and about 67 degrees. An odd day for the Northwest in August - usually now we are hot and dry!

I'm so glad it's cool enough for the pigs! It gets so uncomfortable when it's so hot out! (For all of us...)
Anonymous said…
Here in Wisconsin it's been cool all summer, except for one week of hot so far. And we have had good rainfalls throughout the growing season ....the corn is hugely tall! Love your blog and all the pics...keep up the great work! Those big squash look yummy!
Unknown said…
I don't even know how to comment on this fabulous post....so many beautiful pictures, gardens, flowers, friends....oh, my. Thanks so much for sharing all this fabulousness!
daisy g said…
Looks absolutely blissful there! Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
This entire year has been strange weather-wise. Not complaining right now though because it feels like October, my fave month of the year. I'm wondering what kind of winter we are in for though. Hmmmm.