We have become quite fond of bird watching at Bee Haven Acres. We keep our bird feeders full and provide nesting boxes for the bluebirds. Quite often we will stand inside the front windows with the spotting scope or telephoto camera lense focused on the bird feeders hoping to spot an unusual visitor. Most of the time we are visited by the same few species, cardinals, tufted titmice, nuthatches, black-capped chickadees and finches. Occasionally a bluejay or downy woodpecker will stop by. This seems to be the routine lineup at the feeders in the winter months.

Besides keeping an eye on the wild birds, we also monitor the activities of our own birds. Although the guinea fowl don't seem to appreciate winter, they continue to run amuck, yacking from sun-up to sun-down and are a constant source of zany antics. The chickens seem to be holding their own these days. Since we covered their yard with bird netting, they have been safe from predatory birds such as hawks. Egg production has slowed as can be expected in winter months and we are awaiting delivery of 26 new hatchlings.

Thanks for stopping in at my blog to visit.
Blessings your way, Pamela "Shoppe Keeper"